my 10 gallon! Finally!

Jan 26, 2009
Newark DE
SO PROUD TO FINALLY ANNOUNCE my 10 gallon tank is up and running! Currently I have 2 danios and 2 tetras, which I'll be getting more of, but I want to introduce them slowly so I don't scare them too much. The cutest thing EVER is that all 4 fish are schooling together! It's adorable.

My question here is:
3 Danios + 3 Tetras + 1 dwarf neon blue gourami = a good mix? I know that I don't technically have enough to school, but they get along well and everything seems to be going smoothly. I've heard some good things about gouramis and some bad things, but the people i've talked to were not really well versed in the world of fish.



Large Fish
Apr 22, 2009
i think the Danios will get too big for the 10 gallon,
why dont you trade them for tetras, that way
they will be able to school, they are really pretty
when they are in big groups. ahah ;D
and i think the gourami would look great in there :D


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Depending what danios they are, size might not be the issue (zebra danios are only a couple of inches if that). However, they're active fish, and in a 10 gallon there isn't much space for them to race about the tank. Personally I agree with above, trade the danios for more tetras - a bigger group will make them happier and more interesting to watch, what tetras are they? I think a dwarf gourami would be good in there aswell.


Medium Fish
Feb 21, 2009
I'm possibly a little behind on the status of your tank but has it been cycled? I like the idea of the gourami and tetras as well. Maybe a few ottos for clean-up? I don't believe they have too large of a bio-load.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
I'm possibly a little behind on the status of your tank but has it been cycled? I like the idea of the gourami and tetras as well. Maybe a few ottos for clean-up? I don't believe they have too large of a bio-load.
I think the tank has been cycled. I don't like danios in a 10G though, it's not enough room for them to move around and danios are very active fish. Plus it's better to put together a better sized school of 1 species instead of having 2 small groups of different species. 3-4 fish is not a school. A school = 6-20++++

I'm not adding any more fish until I figure out why Zeus (Silver Tip Tetra) died. I think it may have just been he was old, but I cant be positive. Yes the tank was cycled, and I already have 2 danios in there now, and I dont know what I could do with them. One of them seems not to be doing so hot, so if he dies too, then I'll take back the other danio and just get a couple more tetras.


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Wait a minute... one died, now another may soon die, what exactly is going on in your tank? Might be a good idea to explore that. Do you test your water for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate? If so, how have those numbers been lately?
