my 20ish gal restart


Large Fish
Feb 23, 2005
Preston UK
hi. i have a 20ish gal tank that i have not had much sucsess with. all ut one of my fish a very hardy upside down catfish, have died.

so i was looking at the tank today and i have to admit i kinda lost intrest and have let the maintinace of this tank slip a bit. so anyway i was looking at the tank and decieded i would do somthing abbout it. so i took my last remaining fish out of the tank put him in a bucket and proceded to do a 99.0% water change. i left the gravel and the filter alone as i know thay hove most of the benificial bateria in. i did a bit of rearanging with the cave and the artificial plants that are in there(picys to follow) filled it back up with clean tap water and put the catfish back in. the question i have is what other fish can i add. i was thinking some neons and platies etc. but when i have added them b4 thay seam to die within 3 of 4 months. so as i am starting from fresh as it were are there any tips or handy hints that ppl can give me.

any how thancs in advance