my 40 gall...update...

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
#1 i was going to do a fishless cycle...
ahem...i chickened out...dunno why...just didn't do it...

so i now hve six beautiful red wag high-fin platties in me 40imp tank...
4 after a week of cycling [with a bought chemical product]...
and then 2 more on saturday [that's 2 weeks tank time]...

all is well...water is in great order...tests are all great...
i've done two 30% water changes...
and all me swimmers are in good health...

one of them arrived somewhat swollen...
and i now have at least 9 fry...yikes...
they are eating crushed flakes and are thriving...
i hope to return them to the lfs...
in exchange for some other fish...[hatchetts]...

so there you go...i'm enjoying my 'slow process'...
i intend to get some cory. trilineatus this sat...groovy dudes... :)

all in all i'm really having a great time with first tank... :):):)

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Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
Lol, I find it impossible to do fishless cycles, I'm too impatient :p (Not the best quality to have with fish tanks, eh?)
Congrats on the fry! Expect more in a month from the same fish, or sooner if you have other females. My platy gives me new fry every month without fail ;)
Good luck returning them to the LFS. I've heard from someone that they sometimes use fry as feeders for larger fish. :(

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
cheers guys...yep...exciting stuff...i'm really enjoying the learning curve...
it's all new to me...great funn...

got four 9[imp] gallon 'tubs' ... fantastikk...
they're like huge soft plastikk bucketts...
bright purple...handles on the sides...
great for the water changes...
i'm a syphoner...and proud of it... :)

p.s. ... i'll check at me lfs...don't want the fry to end up on a menu ... :(


Large Fish
Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
Lotus said:
I'd advise you to wait before adding more fish. Especially if you now have fry, your bioload has increased. I wouldn't add anything for a few more weeks. Have you been testing ammonia and nitrites?
hey chumm...yes i'll wait a while before adding new fish...
i have been testing the water and the levels are not toxic...

i'll be hoping to return the fry as soon as possible...
i don't want more platties...and i don't want the extra bioload... :)