My 55 gallon tank, pics inside


Medium Fish
Dec 6, 2010
Dominican Republic
This is my 55 gallon tank, it has been running for 3 weeks now and is completly cycled, i have 2 filter in it, aqueon 55, and aquaclear 70, heater but it never turns on, cause temp here is a little high, background is painted.

Sand substrate, river rocks and artificial ornaments, right now i have only 8 glo fish, cause i'll be introducing fish slowly, that way i can research a lot more about the fish i like.

No more talking, hope you like it. *twirlysmi



Medium Fish
Dec 6, 2010
Dominican Republic
No, put the media, add ammonia, verify, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate, with API test kit, after a few days, ammonia 0ppm, nitrite was 0ppm, and nitrate was about 10ppm.

Added ammonia again, and start to verify everything for a few days after 4 days getting ammonia and nitrite to 0 ppm after 12hrs, did a 90% w/c, added fish and have been reading 0 0 for ammonia and nitrite since then, nitrate is just 5ppm right now.


Medium Fish
Dec 6, 2010
Dominican Republic
Bronze Cory,Red wag and mickey mouse platys, neon tetra, dwarf gourami, male guppies and lyratail swords.

Quantities haven't been set yet, and some can change but neon tetras and corys are a must.

I'll be getting 6-8 corys tomorrow.


Medium Fish
Dec 6, 2010
Dominican Republic
For my next tank i'll do live plants, but is a little hard to get aquatic plants here, at least in the LFS i have visit.

And i'll be moving later this year when i get married, so i'll have to move the tank, and plastic plants are easier.

I know this will not be my only tank, but this one was set be my and my GF, and taking down the hard work of her is a really NO NO.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Well, tell your GF she did a great job. It looks great. Live plants add another layer of required care (and health and enjoyment for your fish!!!), though if you choose the right plants for your setup, it's not a huge amount of work.


Medium Fish
Dec 6, 2010
Dominican Republic
That's what worries me, the extra work, right now i don't want any other extra care, after a few month when i feel really comfortable about fish keeping i might start thinking about live plants.

But i think we did a nice job, we reset plants several times looking for the best placement for then, and i really like the way it turns out.


Medium Fish
Nov 30, 2010
Wisconsin, USA
Tank does look great! Just letting you know, I just started keeping plants a few months ago, and it can be as little work or as much work as you want it to be. I'm keeping a low light, no CO2 set up. I used fertilizer when I first planted them, but other then planting them, I have done virtually no maintence with my plants and they all look great. Bascially they need to have a balance of light, nutrients and CO2. This balance can consist of little light, and the natural nutrients and CO2 found in the tank (like mine) OR you can run huge lights, with CO2 systems and heavy fertilizers and chemicals. I guess as long as the right balance is kept, they will stay healthy.. they higher the amounts within that balance, the faster they grow (and easier it is to get one part of the triangle wrong).. BUT long story short- You CAN have a planted tank with little to no maintence if it is desired.