My 55g Tank

Jan 11, 2003
New Jersey, USA
I dont know what i i can get for my 55g tank. Right now i hve some fish in it but they are not active as i would ike them to be. I have: 1 Molly, 3 Sowrdtails, 3 Guppies, 2 Glassfish, and 1 Pleco. After they all die(of age) i would like to get more active fish. I have a Penguin 330 on it. What fish do you recomand? I want it to be a community fish tank with a veriaty of fish in it.

If that's a 55 gallon you have plenty of room left f you want to stick more fish in it now. I agree w/ fishman, danios are a very active hardy option along with cherry barbs. If you take good care of your tank, in otherwords, 25% water changes every week, keep it clean, etc. some rainbows would also be a good option. They are less hardy but still hold up all right and do well in alkaline water. Very cool fish. Loaches and rasboras are also a good option if you take care of your tank. How hard is your water?

I don't know about congos either. I vaugely remember that someone said they were aggressive but then again I'm not sure they were talking about congos. I could be wrong. But I KNOW everything else mentioned is really peaceful. No murderers on the list :).

Your water is border line too hard but it should be fine for these fish. Just take about 45 min. to acclimate the fish well (15 min. floating closed bag, 15 min. float bag open after adding 1 cup aquarium water, 15 min. float bag open after adding another cup aquarium water, net fish out of bag and add to tank). If you really want to take the next step in the hobby you could look into rift lake chiclids with that water. Just do your homework.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I'd say Danios are just the ticket that your tank is looking for. They live to play tag...they eat pretty much whatever you feed them...they live just fine in my water which is around the same ph as yours, and there are several different types of them so you don't have to just get one kind. They usually won't bother other fish unless you have all VERY CALM fish who get annoyed with their antics (like angelfish)...some people have had danios do some fin nipping, but I haven't had any do that, so I think it depends on the bunch you get. They do like to be in groups I'd get at least 5 if you're going to get them.

Also you could get a couple more mollies.

With a 55 gallon as long as your filtration is adequete, I'd say you could add a nice school of Danios (6 or 7) and a couple more mollies to what you have now.