My anemone Needs Help :S


Small Fish
Jan 1, 2006
Hi All,

I have brought my 120 Salt Tank Back to Life recently and started adding things to my tank last week.

I added
1 Carpet Anemone
1 Bubble Anemone
2 Ocelaris Clowns
2 Saddle Clowns

I lost 1 Ocelaris clown within 2 days but evreone else has been doing fine.

The Bubble Anemone has disapered hopefully hiding some where in the tank.

Now The Carpet was doing great first few days opend much bigger the Saddle's had hosted it and all looked fine.

The last few days I have notices it dropping at times but would come back up. I fed it a Silver Head the other day and at first it rejected it but later in the evening it ate it happily.

It is curently drooping very low and looks like it's ready to detach from the rock it's on.

Is there any advice what I can do to save my Anemone and bring it back to good health ?

Any Advice would be great.

I know a water test is going to be requested but I don't have that info now. I am going to go to my LFS in a bit to get that info but until then any suggestions?

Thanks in advanced.

Here is a picture of the Anemone the day i got him: Brandon Pal's Photos | Facebook

If it will help I can take a picture of what it looks like now.

Just let me know.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
The results of your water tests are essential.

What lighting do you have on the tank?

Running some PolyFilter can sometimes help remove irritants from the water for anemones. I'm hoping you're using RO water, as all kinds of contaminants in tapwater could make your tank unsuitable.

It's never a good idea to add more than one kind of clown to a tank, unless the tank is huge. The more aggressive clowns will likely stress the others to death. It might be a good idea to return one type, if you can.


Small Fish
Jan 1, 2006
I wasn't able to make it to my LFS last night as my cat had to be taken to the vet.

Using RO and Lights are probably near time to change for new bulbs.

Thank you for trying to help but when I woke up this morning he was gone.

SO I'm not sure if he died and disintegrated or has moved somewhere else.

Can they die and disappear over night ?




Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
well if he is gone chances are good that they died. Be ready to do some major water changes as there will no doubt be an ammonia spike as it decays somewhere in your tank.....if at all possible you need to find them and get them out.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
its defenitly possible for your cleanup crew to devour it over night... btw how old or should i say young is your tank? anemones need prestine water conditions and a mature tank