My angelfish refuses to eat flakes.

Oct 28, 2009
I have two black lace angelfish as well as two marbled veil tail angelfish, among a few other fish in a 45 gallon tank. Every fish in there loves flake food, they all look well, water parameters look great, etc. For about 3 months now the smaller black lace angel will not eat flakes. He or she will eat anything else, but not flakes. It will devour bloodworms the second they hit the water, same with Tubifex worms, brown worms, brine shrimp, and I imagine just about anything else besides flakes. I like to give my fish a varied diet,but I don't like giving them bloodworms and other things every single day, but since the angel wont eat flakes that's precisely what I'm doing. A few times I've overfed them just to make sure the angel gets some. Could it be that this particular fish is just finicky?