My Anglefish died :(


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
:eek: For no reason that I can see!
He was about two years old, and I was away overnight Saturday night, got home yesterday afternoon, fed the fish, turned the lights on, and he seemed a little shy, hanging out in the corner not eating, and I just chalked it up to the lights not being on for about 24 hours...he was always pretty dopey after the lights get turned on and it took a few minutes for him to "wake up".
Then today, got home and he was dead! I am so bummed.
I tested everything to see if there was anything funky going on in the water, and my readings were:
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 20 ppm
ph between 6.8 - 7.0 (I can never get the color exact!)
I purchased a new filter last week after my other one stopped working all of a sudden, but the tank was only "unfiltered" for about an hour or maybe two, I went right out and got the new filter that same night.

I just don't know what to think of this. He was so healthy and happy.

Here's to you, my angelfish with no you truly are an "angel".


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
Yeah, everyone else is doing great! Even the krib's new batch of fry. I wonder if the kribs harrassed him to death....he always suffered little nips from them when they had babies, but nothing more than a nip on his fins. And his body looked perfect - gills fine, eyes fin, just the same nips on his fins that have been there for a week or so.
I just hate this, I feel like I have failed something, I just don't know what it is. And he was one of my favorites. I feel like I let him down. Everything else is just fine in there. Better than it has ever been, in fact, they have a brand new 400 GPH filter (and I took the old media out of the old filter and put this in the extra chambers - so I can't even chalk it up to a mini-cycle :( )


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
yeah, my kribs are on their third set of fry, and are known to harass everyone that get's near the babies. I guess that had to have been what happened. I can't come up with any other conclusions.
Man, I am so sad right now. I wish I could just come up with a reason why it died so suddenly :(

Fish Friend

Superstar Fish
May 29, 2005
sorry to hear that kelly- youre such a great fish keeper !!! shouldnt happen to you :) maybe he died of just old age even though they live for a lot longer! my angel sometimes gets bitten by my pair of kribs when they have eggs (they never hatch!!) btw... doy ou have any pics of the new batch of fry ?? maybe you could start a new thread on cichlid discussion eh ??? sorry to hear it kelly :(


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
Wow thanks for all the replies everyone!

I was so attached to this fish. He was kind of the centerpiece of the 55 gallon. And I'm frustrated that I don’t know why he died. You’re right Fish Friend - he had a few years left, he was only two. That's why I'm so bummed.

He always followed me around the room with his eyes and his presence. Getting home tonight and seeing him not there is gonna be weird.

I think I was chatting with Firebug the other night about how my bad luck happens in threes. Last week, I lost my new Ram I was so happy to get. Then that same night my filter went kaput and I had to go spend an unexpected 80 dollars replacing it. Then my angel dying made number three.

I hope my bad luck ends now :(