My aquarium (continued)

As I said in my first thread, I just started, but I don't have any problems at the moment. I got them yesterday, and I am keeping a list of any problems, or conditions in my journal.

Day 1:
Four Mollies, Sailfin variety
One Tiger Barb
One Snail

A community is going to mean work! Anyway, fish get along just fine, so far, and the Sailfins seem to stick to the side near the other tank and gold fish. Are they interested in the other fish? Do they just like swimming next to the view? Why do they do this is the real question I suppose. Nextly, the tiger barb. From what I’ve observed he doesn’t seem to even fin nip. He stays to himself, but is feisty, swimming swiftly, it looks almost as if he is pacing. On a side note, it’s fun to watch him swim behind the rock and disappear and reappear in the hole. I wonder what this behavior is. I suppose it is adventuring, as I have read that they are a bit adventurous. A lot of people think a snail is just a maintainer but they can be interesting. Mine, has been in the new tank for hours and has only in the past few hours put one feeler out tentatively. I guess he’s just nervous. Who wouldn’t be after going on a car ride that shook you up a little. He hasn’t moved much, but I hope he will show signs of activity by tomorrow. I plan on also trying to introduce a bumblebee catfish, but that is not happening currently. Hope to report good news and activity tomorrow.

These are what I have so far. I am planning on introducing a bumblebee catfish when I get the money, and I believe that tabs on their behavior and conditions will help me seperate the tiger barb, or anyone for that matter who doesn't get along... It will also help me to make sure noone gets a pandemic going in my tank. Any ideas for my next community/tank, I would like to set up a mini aquarium in my room. Any suggestions, hints, money making help, advice, etc...

Jul 23, 2009
All your fish will be a bit nervous for now, give them a few days with little stress. If you have room, I would !highly really biggly! suggest getting more tiger barbs as they are a schooling fish and do not feel safe alone. He will likely be pacing because of that.

The mollies are cool, give them a night or so and they'll be happy. Same with the snail.

How big is your Mini Tank going to be?

Well, I don't consider it mini, but it's a 30 gallon tank which was one of the reasons I was so keen to start doing this, I also have a salt water filter that, if the components are taken out, can be turned into a hospital/quarintine/nursery because it has three seperate compartments, they are next to each other, clear plastic, and I could use it for those three things.