:( My Betta doesn't like me NEmore


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
What does it mean when your betta flairs up at you everytime you look at him. I got another betta fish about a month after my first betta Aries and put the new one next to his tank, with a cardboard to seperate them from seeing each other. Last week I cleaned their tanks out and as I was putting them back, but didn't put the cardboard right away. Well Aries saw the new one and got mad and was attacking the side of his tank. Ever since then Aries now flairs at me, even when i am not near the tank and just in the room. Could it be he is jealous or angry because I have another Betta fish. I don't like him not liking me but don't know what to do lol. I know this is not important but just wondering if it happened to anyone else.


New Fish
May 1, 2006
When they flare, they are pretty happy...bettas respond to colours, which is why they flare. With my first VT betta Phantom a few years ago, whenever I used to wear the colour maroon, he would flare at me :D

I have a barracks set up with 14 bettas and they can all see eachother :) They used to flare at eachother like crazy at first, but they now only occasionally flare :) Its nothing to worry about....and yes, you can get fantastic flaring pics! :D


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
Awww, dont worry about it. That's what Flounder does whenever put my face in front of his tank. I take it as a, "well, hello there pretty lady..." haha. And yeah, you should try to get some pictures of him flaring! I've tried, but my guy is a little camera shy..as soon as I pull it out he chills out...hmmf!


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
I will try to get pictures of him flairing, and show you. Does that mean its ok if I take away the cardboard and let them see each other? I just don't want to stress them out or aries the agressive one to hurt himself. They are pretty though when they flair. I hate the cardboard being there myself it looks funny I find. What so do you think I should take it away?


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
I just bought a little castle for aries to explore. He is sooo much happier and doesn't flair at me as much. He was actually making a bubble nest this evening first time in about 2 weeks. He loves the castle and is zipping in and out of it. I think I made my little guy happy and now I am happy too lol :D

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
pigs_fly said:
Awwww, I miss him :( sweetvegan, what does UB stand for? I always wondered about that. How are you holding up, by the way?

I still miss him to pieces. He had such a bold personaility:cool: . He was at war with one of my cats Francis. They didn't like each other and he would charge at him flareing with all his might, but the other cats were OK next to his tank. Pinky doesn't mind the cats at all, and actually gives them the Betta Bogie dance for a meal*twirlysmi He rather enjoys my snowshoe's company Tiger Lily, he swims so he is right next to her it is rather cute. Funny thing was when Frankie (UB's rival) saw it was a different fish he just watched instead of batting at him and went to sleep on the bed. Pinky Lee is just too nice for him:p