My Betta Fish!!!


Medium Fish
Jun 27, 2010
I've had this betta for a month or two now, but didn't know how to put pictures up here. Now that I've figured it out (with my dad's help), I want to introduce him! He doesn't have a name yet, so I'd love suggestions. *BOUNCINGS
Anyway, he seems pretty healthy so far, except that some of the spikes on his tail (he's a crowntail) seem to be a little stubby. Someone said that soaking food in garlic juice helps with this, so I think I'll try that.
I've been feeding him 1 freeze dried bloodworm every day. Does that seem like enough food or too much or too little?
The tank is currently in the basement because it's the only place warm enough for him, and even then his tank is only about 72-74 degrees...I have a Hydor mini heater, and it only raises the tank temperature a few degrees above room temp. So, I've been trying to figure out how to heat his tank more so I can bring him upstairs. Maybe a second Hydor?? I think I really need a more powerful heater, but those take up a bunch of room in his tank...So maybe a bigger tank AND a bigger heater!



Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I have a Marineland "visi therm" that I bought online for about $15. Its 7 1/2 inches and in a tank that looks like yours in shape, but mine is 5 gallons and yours doesn't look that big in the pictures. It is submersible.


Medium Fish
Jun 27, 2010
The picture makes him look a little blue...His fins are really red with white on the edges, but with a metallic blue sheen. I'm glad you like him; I'm pretty much in love with him *BOUNCINGS


Medium Fish
Jun 27, 2010
Oooh I like Firecracker! Though the thermometer shows 78 degrees, it isn't very accurate--it's just one of those stick on strips. I kept the thermometer from my larger tank in with the betta for a little bit at the beginning so I could monitor the temperature, and it only got up to 74 degrees.
I realize the tank is small; I'm using it because I had it already. I have been thinking about upgrading, though--I want to bring the betta out of the basement, which is partly why I've been thinking of getting a new heater. The room temp at night is 58 degrees, so I need a pretty strong heater. The awesome thing is that my mom really likes the betta fish and wants him upstairs, too, so she might help pay for some of it! Little does she know that she's enabling my fish addiction...mwah ha ha