My Betta Has Fin Rot - I'm going to buy a new tank


Small Fish
Oct 5, 2005
My poor little guy has fin rot. I am going to buy a new two gallon tank and new gravel. When I put him in his new environment, should I add some of his old water? He was so beautiful and I do water changes every week. Someone suggested that I use gravel from a pre-existing tank for the good bacteria but I think that may have caused this.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
yeah, no point in moving him just because of fin rot, what type of tank is he in now anyway?

melafix is a sort of treatment that is good for healing lots of things, and i think fin rot is one of them, so just keep up with the doses and he should be fine.

melafix will rarley ever stop finrot. It is GREAT for healing fins after the finrot is gone...but it won't stop it. Get something like Jungle's Fungus Clear or something similar that will really go after the rot and actually stop it.

If he is in a super small tank or a vase/bowl...Yes, DO upgrade your betta to a 2 gallon tank or larger, and get him a heater. Bettas who are kept at room temperature often struggle with finrot and it can eventually kill them. I keep mine at 80, and they really do well at that temp.

There's no need to transfer over the 'beneficial bacteria' in a tank that small. Do you currently have a filter in the tank he is in now?


Small Fish
Oct 5, 2005
He is in a 2 gallon tank now. I will try what you recommended too. He does not have a heater but the temperature reads between 76-78. He was so beautiful when I first got him.

ok...right now that's acutally good...that means you can pretty much nuke his tank and you won't affect your bio-filter. Put him in a cup, then wash might want to replace your gravel, but you don't need to if you can rinse it in super hot water. For 'scrubbing action' i use kosher salt. Refil his tank, and allow enough time for the water to heat back up (with the new heater you got ;)) for water changes...i'm assuming since he's in a 2g tank, you are prob doing 100% water changes every couple weeks or so?? If you are, change to 50% water changes 1 a week and then 100% once a month...this will give a better 'freshwater turnover' for your fish and you might have better luck with him not getting finrot in the future. While he's battling finrot, you are going to want to do small water changes daily or every other day...follow the instructions on whatever fungus med you end up using...and even tho the box usually says 'partial water change' a small betta tank i do 100% water changes when 'water-changes' are indicated during medication.


Small Fish
Oct 5, 2005
This is so helpful. I am going to buy a maracyn and will probably just buy a new 2 gallon tank because I see brown stuff on the glass. I will increase my water changes. I hope his fins grow back. Thanks!!!


Small Fish
Oct 5, 2005
FYI, my friend that takes care of my 37 gallon at home is going help me with George. I'm taking George home tonight and we're putting him in a filter tank and will start meds asap.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Word of caution with Melafix and bettas pure Melafix can burn their labyrinth organ and kill them. I lost a very pricey Half moon female like this. Dilute it 50% with water before applying it to the tank.

If it is a fungal infection a mix of Melafix and Primafix should do, but that won't do squat if it is a bacterial infection. The maracyn should help with both types of infection.


Small Fish
Oct 5, 2005
We're are on day one of treatment. How severe does it have to be for him not to recover? What if his fins don't improve? Will he be in pain or suffer?


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
Visit site

I was not going to weigh-in here because the advice your getting is pretty sound, but I think you still need a few clarifications.

1. If you have your betta in a 2 gallon tank now, I would suggest you change 50% of the water each week, leaving the fish in the tank. About every 3 months, do a complete rinse-out of the gravel and wipe it down to remove algea and that should do it.

2. Try adding a live plant, like java moss to the tank, it will help reduce the algea growth, plus betta's like to 'rest' in it. Just use fishing line and tie it to a rock or something.

3. Melafix/Bettafix are the same thing, you can use it to treat 'mild' fin-rot, when its just at the beginning and not near the base of the fin. Use as directed and it will stop fin-rot.

4. Use a stonger medicine for advanced fin-rot, like Kanacyn. Be sure to use the proper ratio of medicine for your size of tank or it can poison the fish.

5. Most fin-rot is curable, so long as it does not reach the body. If it does, you need to include and anti-fungal medicine, like 'Jungle' brand anti-fungus.

6. 78F is fine, anything above 74F and below 82F is fine for a betta.

7. Don't worry about betta 'cycles' for that size of tank, just do the water changes.


Small Fish
Oct 5, 2005
Everything in his real home is fine, water, temp, etc. The brown algae will be cleaned out and I will add a live plant to help with the problem. Right now, he is in a 2 1/2 gallon filtered hospital tank, adding maracyn once a day for five days. He does not act like he is sick - has a healthy appetite and is swimming, it's just that his fins look so bad. I adore bettas - they are so cool and beautiful. I don't want to lose George.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
How often do you do water changes on george? finrot is a tell tale sign of bad water quality. keep up with the water changes and you should see a difference