My betta tail

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
He looks like he feels like *SICK* I agree do a 100% water change, clean everything. I recommend using Nova Aqua plus (water conditioner) for the water. put in a drop of aquarium salt too. Nova Aqua has anti viral and bacteria properties. I use it in my tank and I even use spring water, just to play it safe. I hope he gets better.


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
Well he has been like that for a month now, even with 100% water changes and ornament cleanings done every week or 2. I just did it saturday. Would betta fix do the trick? It seems he got like that after I did a water change one day and didn't put the cardboard between him and my other betta right away, and they were flairing at each other. Would betta fix help? Or just aquarium salt. I never put salt in there before so i am not sure if that would go. Please help. Thanks


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
Hmmmm, he's been clamped for a month now? Maybe you should try getting him his own tank....and see how he does with that - far away from the other betta. I agree with nina that he sounds extremely stressed.

What kind of dechlorinator/conditioner are you using for your water? I use the Betta Bowl Buddies, by Jungle, and they work amazingly well, I haven't had a problem since I started using them.

Maybe try a never know, sometimes they just need a system detox type thing...

Good luck, I hope your little guy gets to feeling better soon.


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
ok he is in a bowl by himself a 1.5 gal. Thats all I have room for. Anyway another behavior i noticed is him darting all the time. In the middle of the night I will hear him, cause I have plastic gems and I can hear them moving. Then yesterday I saw him next to his plant and rubbing against the glass. That probably means he has ich I am guessing. I out some betta fix, cause I am not sure what I am supposed to use. here are the symptoms for ich on a betta. He has most of those symptoms but the eating part. He is a pig and is always hungry. The spots well I don't see them. but everything else is accurate. What meds should I use? Will betta fix do anything to cure it. Thanks a mill. It says in the article, to use aquarisol, does that exist? never heard of it.

Betta has white dots (looks like he was sprinkled with salt) all over his body and head, even eyes. He may be less active, may have stopped eating, fins may be clumped. he may also be darting and scratching against rocks, plants and whatever else he can find.

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Betta scratching on objects mean he has sometype of parasite he may have something other then ich. Maybe flukes. Try some anti parasite meds either copper safe, maraoxy, or aquasoul. A little aquarium salt would not hurt either. If none of the treatments work try doing a water change maybe using spring water with a good ph 6.8-7.2 or try Betta Water sold at petsmart. Maybe your tap water is making him ill, chemicals that your water conditioners cannot get rid of. I hope he gets well. It is no fun when your fish are ill!

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Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
I took another look at the picture. And it looks like he is a little pot bellied. Like Nina says, try not to over feed. I would get him little bits of thawed pea cut up Betta size bits like several tiny pieces in the morning and withhold feeding him till the next day. Maybe he just needs a clean out. I give Pinky a pea withhold his fishy food once a week to keep his system well.