my betta wallpaper


Small Fish
Aug 2, 2003
hi all,

i have not been in the forum for months! i miss this place! previously i have problems with my 2 angelfishes attacking each other. they still do, and i realise it's really their nature! i separated many fishes from them coz they have attacked and killed many. but they are still my babies and i thought they are both males.. to my surprise one of them is a female!!!

currently i have 2 tanks.

2 FT tank
- 2 angels
- 1 ram
- 1 sucker fish / 1 corycat
- 2 batfishes
- 2 kilifish
- 1 soft shell turtle

1 FT
- betta fish
- sucker fish

i figure out i need to separate my betta fish as my angelfishes keep nibbing its fins.

just like to share the photo i took of my betta fish after seeing so many great pictures here at the forum posted by you guys! anyone who wants this wallpaper, let me know. or you can send to me your fishes photo and i can design for you.. i am a web designer :)

i have taken many photos of my fishes.. seeing them grow bigger each day really makes me feel really happy. recently my black angelfish even laid eggs and i witnessed the whole process! it was awsome!!! i took many photos and even made them wallpapers which i alternate each day! will post them here to share! didnt know i can be into fish photography now... and to think when i got my angels, they were as small as a coin! it has been almost 9mths since i first started keeping fishes. i didnt realise there is alot of joy behind all the learning process. yes many fishes come and go, but the most importantly, you cherish the fishes that made it! let them stay happy and healthy..



Small Fish
Aug 2, 2003
intro to BEH BEH

ow i have not introduced my BEH BEH, that's his name. he is a beauty, he flares at me whenever i come near to the tank. he is not very aggressive, and seems to be a natural model! he will swim around the tank as i take photos of him. i have tons of photos of him! anyone who wants to see them, do let me know. i will be very glad to put up. they are so pretty.. because BEH BEH is very special. he flaunts out different colours under different lighting! when the lights are not up, he is like the above, blue,pink, red, purple, green! when the lights are up, he is totally turqoise, purple and flashy red! the combinations are so pretty.. i spend hours just looking at him. he swims alot throughout the day and sleeps on the dot when the night comes.

i really hope bettas are not kept in small containers because they really deserve the room and freedom, whenever i pass by shops that cramped all the bettas in small bottles, side by side i feel really ANGRY and sad. i wished i could free all of them from their miseries! when i look at them, they are like screaming to me, let us out!! really, they are precious and each of them has such a stunning colour and fins.. they are a truly nature's work of art!

i keep beh beh in a 1 FT tank all by himself. i thought of getting him a mate, or a playmate (rather another male betta separated of coz!) and even tried putting him in a community tank with the rest of my fishes.. but i realise he is happiest being himself. he swims around the tank all day and i even thought he was really hoping to lose some weight or really wants to get out of his tank! i feed him bloodworms only and he loves them, finishing every worm he grabs with his mouth! he would swim towwards the worms as if he was a hunter! especially with his victorious look when he finishes all of them and continues his swimming. beh beh loves to do somersaults!!!

i will play along with him with a mirror submerged into the tank. with his reflection on the mirror, it is as if he is being chased or confronted by a challenger! for a few mins, he tries to glare back and even chases his reflection! how cute!

ya hope you all betta lovers all share the same feelings as me! i will def come back and share more of my interesting moments with my BEH BEH and his glamour shots!



Small Fish
Nov 14, 2003
Western Canada
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Beh Beh is beautiful! I have a picture of my Gordon in my signature. Your picture is pretty neat too, nice effect. Gordon lives in a 3-gal. filtered tank on my kitchen counter and I've had him a year now. He eats some pea in the morning and frozen bloodworms for supper and is a gold colour, as you can see. He seems to enjoy living on the counter. I moved him into my 10-gal tank earlier this year but I think the other little fish nipped at him and within a week he was very depressed, rolled up his fins and tail and sank to the bottom. So I moved him back to the kitchen counter and after about a month he was his old self again. I love bettas too and would have a room full if my husband wouldn't mind but I think he would! :D


Small Fish
Aug 2, 2003

hi liz, so nice to see your msg and remarks all the way from canada! wow wee.. your GORdon is really GOR-GEOUS! i love the flare! i like bettas will very nice fins, when i first got BEH BEH he has the most pretty fins among the rest too.. just that now he lost quite a bit of his fins as the angels nibbed them!

i didnt know bettas can eat peas.. maybe i should give my BEH BEH a different diet too.. i tried others but he never eats them. my BEH BEH sometimes get moody too, when i wave my finger at him, he would dive to the bottom and stay there too.. looks like bettas have attitude too!

perhaps if try to keep them, your hubby will fall in love with them like you! but i guess GORDON will be the one who is really unhappy, because he wants all your attention!


Small Fish
Aug 2, 2003
wallpaper juz fr uuuu

hi mcshell,

sure you can, just send your picture right over to my email add! hope the filesize is not too big ok, hopefully 1mb below.. let me know your screen resolution eg: 1024 x 768 or 800 x 600.. you using PC rite?

also it will be better if you let me know your fav colours.. and any message / tagline you may like to include! :)


Small Fish
Aug 2, 2003
another wallpaper!

just like to share with you another wallpaper i did for my "xiao hei" - itz chinese name for "blackie"...

xiao hei laid eggs for the first time and i was really fascinated by it as it is also my first time i ever see a fish lays eggs! and come to think of it, i was just in time! i scuba-dive too seeing fishes at their natural habitat, but this can never beat to what i witnessed! it's like watching my fav national geographic channel right at my tank!

sorry i hope you guys don't mind seeing ANGEL FISH photo at this forum tt is meant for the bettas / gouramis.. :)



Small Fish
Nov 14, 2003
Western Canada
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Wow Genieneo, I'm really impressed with your photography! Did you take all those photos in your sig? Fantastic! Do you take underwater pics too when you dive? I've been snorkelling in Hawaii but am too chicken to try deep sea diving - besides, I think it would hurt my ears too much. I live by the sea as well but it's pretty cold unless you get on the whole wetsuit routine, even in summer.

Back on topic, when Gordon got returned to his smaller tank in the kitchen and unrolled, his tail grew about a centimeter or more! I was so surprised! Also his top and bottom fins seem much longer than before.

I had never seen a gold betta before and have only seen a couple since. He looks quite spectacular under the right light. Yours looks stunning. Very vibrant colours.

If you try feeding some pea, use a cooked one, take the skin off and hand feed him tiny, tiny pieces one at a time (if you just drop the pea in and he doesn't eat it all, and he won't, it will cloud the water). I put a bit on the end of a bamboo skewer and wiggle it just above the water like an insect might behave and then when he comes after it, I drop it into the water and he swims off after it. I've had him jump out of the water to try to get it off the stick, and also he's bitten it off the end of the stick - I could hear tiny teeth scraping the stick! I never knew they had teeth! :cool:


Small Fish
Aug 2, 2003

hi liz,

my name is jeannie! genieneo is my nick.. hehe :)
yeah thanks for your compliment! i love photography, but not an expert. i just love to snap pictures with my digital camera, and since my fishes are so pretty, i couldn't resist NOT taking pix of them!

i do not not have a underwater camera so i did not take any.. but saving up for one and when i get seriously into scuba-diving! itz a very expensive sport and i am only an open-water certified diver.. i haven't got anywhere deeper than 20 metres yet! i snorkel most of the time and only been to malaysia islands such as redang and tioman.. my previous dive was 2 mths ago and i really love the marine life and wow it's really magical! you should really go into scuba-diving, get a little closer to the deeper end and you get to be up close and personal with the fishes!

hey really thanks for guiding me for the feeding of the pea.. i think i would have juz dropped the whole lot into the water! ha! :) now beh beh is asleep coz itz almost 11 pm now.. so i will def. try tomrow! can't wait to see if BEH BEH likes peas!

cool! i didnt know bettas can grow their fins back.. i really wished BEH BEH grows back his long tail back, now it's like it's torn up. sometimes i noticed the tail will split up itself and become frails.. i wonder if itz b'coz BEH BEH swims too much. and wow, they have teeth! i didn't know that too! most of the time i see BEH BEH swallow the frozen blood worms and spit them out in whole.. and have sucked up the blood inside... so i don't suspect anything.

yeah i never seen a gold betta in shops before and i never knew bettas have so many colours until recently i been to a marine and freshwater fish exhibition call AQUARAMA and it is held once in every 2 yrs. there are competitions in chosen catergories and i especially went for the betta competiton. i've attached a few photos i took which are the winning entries.. enjoy! :)


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Small Fish
Nov 14, 2003
Western Canada
Visit site
That last betta pic is outstanding! What a beautiful fish!

I've been to Penang, Malaysia many years ago when I was about 17 but didn't do any snorkelling or diving there. Mainly checked out the batik factories! :D And I had a brief run-in with a moray eel when snorkelling in Hawaii. My Dad and I were snorkelling over some brain coral when this thing zoomed up and opened its jaws right in my face! I screamed through the snorkel tube and headed for the beach at warp 10. Dad followed to make sure I was okay and then collapsed laughing on the beach saying I was the fastest thing moving in the water he'd ever seen! The eel didn't touch me, just threatened me I guess as I was too close to where he was resting. Nasty experience though! :eek:

Back to Bettas, ahem. :rolleyes: Your betta's tail and fins should grow back where they were nipped. Tears and bites heal up in time. I don't know why Gordon's tail grew longer unless it has anything to do with the size of his home. :confused: Maybe it's maturity?


Small Fish
Aug 2, 2003
scuba experience!

ow Penang.. abt 12 hrs journey there from my place! hawaii is one of the places i wanna go too! haha.. what an experience for you! i would have been even faster if i were you and i had my experience with a trigger fish when i didnt know i was just right above its eggs and it wants to defend them by attacking me!

it is not very good to surface too fast coz you need decompression – the time needed for the regular release of nitrogen from your lungs. ya you got to be very alert and careful when you are in underwater as you don't know what comes next.. or even right behind you. even when experienced divers dive, anything can happen. injuries or even fatal death.. i nearly drowned too coz i had difficulty breathing as i went deeper coz i panicked! luckily the instructor came to my rescue and guided me up to the surface to breath. *phew - breathed deeply*

yeah thanks for sharing your experience! yeah hopefully my BEH BEH will recover his handsomeness back!!!