My betta with Dropsy is still alive!


New Fish
Jan 31, 2006
Its been over a month since I discovered that my betta has dropsy. And I have been treating him with Maracyn - Two or the Betta Remedy Fix. He has his good days and his bad, some days he is hungry and others he is not. Sometimes I see him swimming around more than others. I don't know what to think, a lot of people have told me that it is not curable and that they will ultimately pass away in 15 days or less. He is still somewhat bloated and his fins are still sticking up. I notice that some weeks his fins are not as spiky as others. Anyways, I’m confused as to why he is still alive and going?

I wish he would recover, and this time that he is still alive is sort of giving me some sort of hope.


Dropsy is weird... although it usually kills and is pretty much untreatable, in other cases it will spontaneously cure on its own, with no apparent cause.

I have two rainbows with it now; both still eat and are fairly active. One even started to reduce swelling, but only when I was treating with Melafix/Pimafix, which I ran out of. The sad part? I'm a student and so darn poor that I can't afford the $10 for more.