My Betta Wont eat

Sep 13, 2011
I have had my betta for 6 months. He hasn't ate in atleast 12 days. Very skinny and his spine looks curved. Took him to where i bought him and they gave me drops to make the water safe when i change it and betta fix. Other then being skinny and curved spine his fins and scales look healthy. i've tried 3 different foods. He acts interested but has only nibbled once. since I started to treat the water theres been this film on the top of the water I keep removing. I don't want him to suffer any longer. I need to help the poor guy. They tested the water when I took him in and everything was fine. He is in a half gallon bowel no filter. Normally change after the water once a week and clean the entire tank once a month but only change half the water. Please help. :confused:


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
There is a disease, probably congenital, in bettas, where they have a crooked spine and there really isn't much you can do for it. Sorry. It isn't really noticeable until they get older. I doubt you did anything to cause it, but for future reference you should consider a much larger container for your betta - like at least 2 - 3 gallons or more.

Sep 13, 2011
Thanks Thrya, I had a 5 gallon set up with a small filter. I just switched him over. He is really active but still wont eat. He seems to be more interested in the food now that the filter moves it around the tank tho. Hope he makes it.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
You can Google "Betta Crooked Spine" and you will come up with some ideas that you could try. Its possible its just constipation and feeding the inside of a green pea might help, but I did have a betta that the same thing happened and although he lived a while, he eventually died. We can't always save fish and more than we can people. Do your best and if it doesn't work, get another fish and give it a good home. Good Luck!

Sep 13, 2011
Well he never ate the pea or anything else. He just lays at the bottom or hangs out at the filter or in a plant. Did notice a couple times he was in the plant right in front of the filter vertically. He darts around sometimes. I wonder if it could be tb or if he is just sick and dieing. I don't want him to suffer and i'm pretty sure he wont ever eat after this long. Just kills me to watch him in there. guess I will just try to keep him as happy as I can.