My bettas are all healthy OMG!!!


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Well, never thought I would see this day. All my bettas are healthy, active, and doing well now.

After the Ick and then fungus, I was really worried that I would loose one of my precious bettas. Except for some tatered fins, everyone seems a lot happier.

Rigel built a bubble nest, and I have plans to add some live floating plants to their tanks.

It's really nice to have happy fish :)

Mar 11, 2003
Congrats! I know how it is to have a bad streak run through your fish. I lost a whole 10 gallon community tank of females from either ich or velvet (when I was first starting out). And then I had a spell in which my fish were jumping out of the strangest gaps in the hood and my puppy would get to them before me, so all the while I thought my fish were "disappearing." Darn dog thinks she's at a sushi bar.... But now life is "betta" as I haven't had any illnesses in a long while.
