My bettas are PIGS

So I feed my bettas three times a day. When I first got them, I would give them 4 pellets each and they would slowly eat all of them. Now when I drop four in... they INHALE them... so I've been putting more in to see if they'll continue to feed in the same manner, and they still continue to Hoover it down. Are my bettas just piggy eaters? Should I be feeding them more/less often? Right now, I'm feeding them the Betta BioGold and some bloodworms a couple times a week.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I'm confused about how much and how often you're feeding them. Do you mean you're feeding them four pellets, three times a day, every day (12 pellets a day each)?

Bettas are very piggy, but can also eat themselves into sickness. Remember that their stomach is only about as big as their eye. I would say a max of two of the Betta Bio Gold at any one feeding, and even that's a bit much.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
Visit site
Bettas will overeat, and often do. Too much food is a bad thing for bettas, they can get bloated, swim bladder disorder and make a lot more waste and pollute the water.

I feed my bettas only 1 time daily (except the fry who get 2 feeding), I use smaller pellets, but it would add up to about 2 to 3 large pellets per day.

Feeding twice per day, 2 pellets is a good diet. I also suggest skipping a days feeding once a week, like your water change day to help them clear-out their high-protein diet.