My Bettas New Friend........I think


Medium Fish
Jul 14, 2003
Houston, Texas
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i bought a chinese algae eater today...put him in the tank and the betta keeps following him around but doesnt do anything....then stops....then follows. The algae eater is going crazy all around the tank even when he is not followed. i put a wafer in the tank for him to eat but he betta seems to be nippin at it and the algae eater doesnt want to eat it even if the betta is not close to it. I guess the algae eater will calm down after a couple of hours i guess.

I have a 10 gallon tank with a male betta and now a chinese algae eater with a power filter and heater. NOW what else can i put....heeeheee.


Small Fish
Jun 14, 2003
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ummmm I have heard problems with chinese Algae eater when they grow bigger. They tend not to eat any algae when they get big and often cause problems with other fish. For one dont go with Guppies. Bettas Dont like guppies cuz of their long fins.. maybe some neon tetras, other tetras may nip at the betta, and bettas dont swim that well. Barbs also would be a bad idea they are known for nipping. Platy's, and Mollies would be a good choice. Nothing with long fins. Also some lil ottos may be a better choice to control cleaning your tank.


Large Fish
Jul 12, 2003
Evansville, Indiana
Well, your Chinese Algae Eaters won't stop going nuts until they get older. Don't worry about him not eating the waffer yet. Mine did the same thing, just wait until he cleans all of the algae from your tank, and then he won't have any other choice but to eat the waffer. Do watch out when they get older though. From what I have read, they get lazy, stop eating algae, and go after your slowing moving fish to suck their slime coating off for food. He will be fine until he gets a little bigger, probably in a year or so. Anyway, good luck with him!


Large Fish
Aug 13, 2003
Norwalk, CT
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Corydoras are usually gentle fish. They don't eat nearly as much algae (especially brown algae) as say, a Plecostomus or an Otto (Otocinclus) cat, but they will eat whatever food ends up on the bottom.

Then in that case, it'd be a good idea to aqcuire a few Ottos, since they are small (less than 2 inches) and do a fantastic job of cleaning algae off the glass and most surfaces. I don't think they are fin nippers or aggressive, but I'd look up info just to be safe.