my black widow tetras 'throwing up'?

Aug 4, 2005
I just bought my fish some 'gourmet' food (bottom-feeder pellets for my cories, and freeze-dried bloodworms for the tetras).
Today I started off my fish with regular flakes, and then started giving the tetras the bloodworms. I've dropped some bottom-feeder pellets for my cories, and the tetras started eating it right after.
Aside from the fact that the cories aren't really eating the pellets, the tetras immediately stopped eating the worms.
What's more, I see them swallowing the worms, then spitting them back out. I figured they didn't like them, but they did that with the flakes i fed them afterwards as well.
Bottom line is, what the hell's going on? Is it normal for the tetras to throw up their food (maybe i guess they're not hungry?)
I fed them in the morning at 11am, then at 8:45pm (this is when I fed them the hors d'oeuvre).
Any ideas? :confused:


Large Fish
Jul 20, 2005
Washington, DC
One of my bettas does that when he's not hungry but he can't resist trying to eat everything in site. (typical man!) I have on danio that tends to get a bit constipated and she will spit food out when she's blocked. Everybody gets a veg diet until her bloated belly shrinks!