My Cichlids' Pool


Large Fish
May 2, 2004
I have finally managed to upload some pictures of my 6 months old cichlid tank. My kind neighbour gave these tanks to me when he gave up on the hobby at the same time when I got feverish about it! ( addictive!)

Due to the faster growth of interest in this hobby than my bank deposit account, I will grow these juveniles in this 3 footers for another 2 months before all the yellow labs move to one 3 footer of their own. :)

I call this the 'Swimming Pool' due to the blue-ish background and whitish theme. :p

By the way, the java moss didn't survive in this tank. The fishes were monsterous enough to rip them off anything that I sercured the moss to.

The Windelov too turned yellowish and brown in just 3 weeks. :(

Cichlid Pool

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Large Fish
May 2, 2004
The dimension of the tank is 90cmX40cmx40cm.
Using the tank calculator, it approximates to 144 litres (48 US Gallon?).

The filters came with the tanks.
It is an overhead filter which runs at 60L/min.
I just put some filter media and left the ceramic rings in the filter tray since they came with it.

The substrate also helps to keep the water almost crystal clear no matter how messy eaters these guys are.


Large Fish
May 2, 2004
I have 4 tanks. 2x 3 footers, 2 x 2footers.

3 of them have substrate in there, one did not have anything except a cichlid on his own (the Johanni's 2 footer isolation tank after he snipped at most of his tankmates before I gave him away).

All 3 tanks were using overhead filters.
The Johanni's tank had the worst clarity since it had no gravel/substrate in it. It had an overhead filter like the other 2 footer.

Both using the same type of filters, one with fine gravel and one with crushed coral, I noticed that the tank with the crushed corals has the clearest water. The tank with fine gravel had inhabitants like mollies, danios, lampeyes, hockeye sticks and a couple of other tetras feeding on worms and pellets.

The one which houses the cichlids is always clearer than the community tank. It is probably because the substrate is more coarse and allowed the 'poo' to get in there. It sort of settled in between the crushed corals until I siphon them out during a weekly water change.

The other thing I can think of is, I have a rather competent filter which sucks in the impurities whenever these diggers dig through the crushed corals, allows the poos to float back into the surface and the poos got filtered.

Hope I don't confuse you? :p I'm trying my best here to analyse/describe.