Hey everyone,
I'm kind of worried about my clown loaches. I observe them every day and their behavior just changed. They usually hide in a large cave under a rock most of the time and come out in droves when I feed them. Now I've noticed that only a few of them are coming out and the rest are under the rock breathing rapidly. One of the largest is wedged between the side glass and a power head and some are laying on their sides or upside down under the rock. I know lying down is normal behavior for some clowns but mine don't do it this frequently, especially with wide open mouths and rapid gill movement.
-I have 16 clown loaches in a 135 gallon tank along with several red tail sharks a fleet of bala sharks and a half dozen congo tetras. Reticulated cories patrol the bottom.
-None of the other fish seem to be in distress
-pH 7.0, Temperature 80F, Ammonia 0.0ppm, Nitrite 0.0ppm, Nitrate 40ppm
-I frequently treat the tank with a herbal medicine called Prevent Ich. I think that it's organic components contribute to higher Nitrates
I know that high nirates can make it hard for fish to get oxygen, so this is my primary suspect. I'm going to do a series of 15% water changes throughout the day.(Any more and I'd have to unplug my power heads, which are a pain to reprime)
Anybody else have an opinion? I've had clown loaches die of what I suspected was copper poisoning after treating the tank with Aquarisol but I haven't added any chemicals except the Prevent Ich.
What other things could cause low oxygen?
I'm kind of worried about my clown loaches. I observe them every day and their behavior just changed. They usually hide in a large cave under a rock most of the time and come out in droves when I feed them. Now I've noticed that only a few of them are coming out and the rest are under the rock breathing rapidly. One of the largest is wedged between the side glass and a power head and some are laying on their sides or upside down under the rock. I know lying down is normal behavior for some clowns but mine don't do it this frequently, especially with wide open mouths and rapid gill movement.
-I have 16 clown loaches in a 135 gallon tank along with several red tail sharks a fleet of bala sharks and a half dozen congo tetras. Reticulated cories patrol the bottom.
-None of the other fish seem to be in distress
-pH 7.0, Temperature 80F, Ammonia 0.0ppm, Nitrite 0.0ppm, Nitrate 40ppm
-I frequently treat the tank with a herbal medicine called Prevent Ich. I think that it's organic components contribute to higher Nitrates
I know that high nirates can make it hard for fish to get oxygen, so this is my primary suspect. I'm going to do a series of 15% water changes throughout the day.(Any more and I'd have to unplug my power heads, which are a pain to reprime)
Anybody else have an opinion? I've had clown loaches die of what I suspected was copper poisoning after treating the tank with Aquarisol but I haven't added any chemicals except the Prevent Ich.
What other things could cause low oxygen?