My clownfish looks like hes been attacked, but theres no other fish ?

Apr 5, 2008
just sort of around his little bottom fin and top fin it looks like it. could something in the water be too strong for him ? hes looking a little ratty. what could be wrong ? but on his top fin at the front he has like white mark/line. my dad had a look and told me its probably white spot (he had tropical fish for many years in a huge tank, so is fairly educated on fish)

what could it be ? will he die ?

Apr 5, 2008
Nah just the front of his top fin is white, and where the black is meant to be on the other parts of the fins 2 of them look like a little part has been ripped off.

the tank has been set up for about 4 weeks or so. i had a damsel in there before the clownfish and he was fine, so thats why i traded him and got a clownfish (i was told if i kept the damsel because he would have been all territorial like he would have killed whatever else i put into the tank)

I got the clownfish on friday.

Apr 5, 2008
No im pretty sure he was perfect when i got him. Ive taken a video of him, but i dont think you can really see the white marking. He's also not eating the frozen food that i have for him. I guess it will be a day by day thing then.

Apr 5, 2008
at first i had this frozen green stuff that was a mixture of all different things. (i cant remember what was in it, it was fine for my damsel). I just went to the pet shop and got some frozen brine shrimp i think its called, luckily he has eaten that! i checked my water on saturday. What is the best option for doing a water change each week or so? what sort of water would be the best to put back in once i have taken a little out?

i know this may be a stupid question but i cant remember from when i got the fish on friday and i cant really see on any pictures ive looked at on the net, but around his black fins are clear/see thru bits... is that normal ? or is it just meant to be black with nothing around it
and thanks i really appreciate your help on this.

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Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Can you post your readings from the water tests?

You should be doing a 5 to 10% water change each week with saltwater that's been mixed up for 24 hours. During the week, you should be topping off the tank with freshwater to compensate for evaporation.

I don't know what kind of clownfish you have, so it's hard to say if it's normal or not. Some clowns have a clear outline on the black markings on their fins.