My damsel is not eating?

May 23, 2008
Leesburg, Florida
I have had my tank for about 3 weeks ago now. Its a 55g saltwater tank. This is my first tank and I have been monitoring my ammonia,nitrites, salt etc. There are currently only 2 blue damsels and 2 dominoes. I feed them on a regular time schedule. The damsel seems to be doing fine. He is a little more reserved than a few days ago, but that may be because one of my domino damsels is a little dominant. The last time he ate was last nite but he hasnt eaten at all today and he normally eats twice a day.

Can someone give me a few suggestions/ideas as to why my blue isnt eating?

Thank you,

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
I wouldn't even worry if they went a week 5 days without eating. In the wild they cannot expect to eat every day. You are most likely feeding too much and that is a issue in itself with water params. I feed my tank a max of every other day varying different types of food.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
well to tell you the truth if a damsel doesn't eat it isn't the end of the world as with any luck a starving damsel is easier to catch when you attempt to remove them as you will want to kill them yourself if you ever try to introduce any other fish to your tank.......I would suggest that you try and get them out now.....and trade them in for some other nice peacefull community fish.......they are aggressive and will hinder any attempts by you to add any other fishes to you system in the future.