my experience so far


Large Fish
Sep 19, 2006
I'm new to this whole fish thing.. been about 2 months now

Here's the current 10g
10 gal

here's the current 2.5g
2.5 gal

As some of you remember I killed lots of fish, then I came here found all sorts of useful information like "tank cycling" and "overstocking", bought the 10gal, put a betta in it to cycle it...etc. (got lots of good advice)

Well, a week into cycling the 10gal, and trying to do a fishless cycle on 2.5 gal, I caved and let my son get a couple more fish. (we had been through 1 ammonia spike and nitrate spike). So, I looked for some zebra danios as suggested. The store didn't have any, so I ended up taking home 3 glowlight tetra's. Of course, the kid put in the bag 2 glowlights and 1 albino something tetra. This stupid fish would circle the tank looking for something to pick on. The albino tetra attacked all the others and tore up the betta's fins within hours. So, I took him back to the store. The manager was apologetic, gave me 2 more glowlight tetras free of charge. After putting the other 2 glowlight tetras in the tank (making the tank now contain 4 glowlight tetras and 1 betta), the betta became very aggressive and started attacking the tetras. When I awoke in the morning I had a dead tetra to fish out of the tank, and the betta was chasing the others. So, I did a complete water change on 2.5 gal tank (it was sitting doing nothing but a fishless cycle..and other then ammonia none of the water stats had changed since adding the ammonia) treated the water etc.. stuck in the beta.

Ok so at this point I had 3 glowlight tetras in a 10g and 1 betta in a 2.5 gal. The betta did great. Changed the water about once every 3 days (had a huge, like big enough for a 10gal) filter though and the water flow was a little unpleasant for the betta). The tetras on the other hand, were acting stressed. I checked the water twice a day, and there were no big spikes. One died, another was swimming near the top and the other one was in the middle bottom of the tank not swimming around. Temp was appropriate, water conditions right etc. I couldn't see anything on the others (wondered about a parasite or some sort of infection). So, as a "don't know what else to do" I put in some parasite clear (from Jungle) fizz tabs. One tetra started swimming around and actually ate, the other one that had been swimming at the top, started swimming near the middle bottom. So, I had 2 tetras in the 10gal, 1 betta (doing fine) in the 2.5 gal. I did a partial (about 40%) on the 10 gal. (yes I had been doing regular water changes on the betta tank).

The neighbor kids were laughing at are 2 lil fish in the great big tank and they seemed to be doing okay since treating for parasites (about 5 days), so, my son talked me into another fish store trip. (at this point I kinda wanted to stay away from tetras all together LOL) So, we bought an upside down catfish and a ADF. The catfish was psychotic. We put him in the tank and for 3 days non stop (lights or no lights) he swam around the perimeter of the tank as fast as she could. She turned white, her eyes bugged out. Then she suddenly calmed down. I did a 30% water change and she freaked out again swimming in circles (she would grab blood worms or freezed dried shrimp as she swam so she was eating). But, other then the psychotic catfish, everything was going fine for about a week and half. The water wasn't spiking out of control, possibly because I was doing a 20% water change every other day. So, I let my son choose his last 2 fish. We ended up with the 2 guarami's (as seen in picture). 3 days and everything was perfect.

On the 3 day, we had to go out of town. The betta was alone in it's 2.5 gal (doing great except the water flow). There were 2 tetra's (really small ones) , upside down catfish, the 2 guarami's and the ADF. We left Friday night abotu 8pm, got back Sunday at about 9pm (so 2 days) I did a 50% water change Friday at about 7pm. Came back to find, one tetra severly decayed being sucked up to the filter, the other tetra riding the bubbles (floating still alive barely) and the upside down catfish right side up (dead). The guarami's were fine, but not exactly pleased with conditions.

So, I scooped out the dead ones, did a 50% water change (I didn't do a water check before this.......I figured with decaying fish it was pretty bad). This was Sunday night. I also did a partial water change on the betta's tank as well. I went to bed, in the morning the last tetra was floating, but when i went to scoop it out it flopped twice, but it didn't make it.

Monday morning, I went to the store, bought a smaller filter for the 2.5 gal, and some more test kits. Came home did a 100% change on the betta tank and added the ADF because it had been struggling in 10gal with the water flow and getting to the top, and I figured it would be easier to feed him in the 2.5 gal tank because the gourami's are pigs and would attack my hand if I had a tweezer full of blood worms that I was placing in front of the frog. Monday afternoon I had a bacteria bloom in the 10gal (I can't imagine why with the fluctuation of fish) but all has cleared this morning (very clear right now). All the important water perimeters are at 0 (both tanks).

I am blaming the tetra's and the fish store for half my troubles. I believe the tetra's were sick or so parasite infected before I put them in my tank, that that caused half my problems.

However, here's the mistakes I see I've made. 1) I succombed to my son...I added fish too quickly (and maybe too many with the size of the gourami's) 2) I didn't trust my instincts (it's hard to remember when you're actually at the fish store what fish is what) and ended up with 2 male guorami's (the fish store tried to convice me they were schooling fish and I needed at least three)who are territorial. (I didn't think my tank was big enough for 2 much less 3 at the time) 4) ADF and my particular betta are not particularly good tank mates, but the water flow is right for them!!

I think I have everything sorted now though, just a matter of getting these tanks properly cycled. I'm hoping the frog and the betta learn to get along. The guorami's chase each other, but they aren't hurting each other. I'm aware with the new filter in the 2.5 gal tank, that I have basically started the cycle over (I really had no choice) and will be changing about 50% of the water every day. (I need to get a small heater as well, because it's a little cool in there..about 78F) I'm also checking the guorami's (these are dwarf) water every day and plan on doing at least 30% water change every other day for the next couple of weeks (watching for spikes).

Any other suggestions from you experts, besides getting tetras? *giggle* Or helpful hints about what else I could have done to stop the tragedy of the dieing tetras? (I think the tetra's I got were extremely unhealthy and I probably prolonged their life rather then shorten it.....this time, I don't blame myself for those...and I think there was a problem with the catfish from the start as well, possibly worsened by the tetras.......something that was out of my newb control)

Oh should note, I had more plants in the 10gal when I had the tetras, but I took them out when it was just the guorami's because those 2 seem to like to have more swimming about room.


Large Fish
Jul 20, 2005
Washington, DC
Wow, you've had a lot going on with those tanks. Sorry to hear about your losses. I think you did a good job at the self-evaluation. Upside down catfish are good 'indicator' fish. If somethings amiss with the water then they are the first to go pale and bug-eyed as you said so i'm inclined to think something was wrong with your water parameters that you just missed?

Maybe create some more distinct territories in the 2.5 by moving the plant to the middle and adding some more? Maybe some floating plants for the frog to float under.

My gourami seems to be a bit territorial like the betta so I'd put more tall plants in there and try to create some territories for them to retreat to and guard. You know how men are...they just want to feel useful ;)


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
When I try to view the pictures, it only loads half of the tank? So I can't view either of them? Yes, sounds like you added way too many fish that shouldn't have gone together way too quickly. It sounds like something was off with your water parameters, maybe get a freshwater master test kit (with drops instead of test strips). Make sure you are testing for Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate and that you are treating your water everytime you do a water change.

As for the stocking, try picking up some java ferns at the pet store, these are zero care plants and really help with water quality. They can also just be tossed into the tank and float or sink. I would take back one of the gourami. Let the other one completely cycle the tank, then thoughtfully decide what kind of fish (doing research of course) you should get next. Go to the fish store and do NOT listen to the fish store people, most of them just want to sell you stuff. Tell them what you want and get exactly that, if you have any questions, ask people on here that will give you neutral answers. Good luck and keep us updated!

wow... you sound like me with all mty problems when i first startted! but at that time i didnt know anything except fish need water. your doing really good right now, really dedicated with the water changes and stuff. no advice really, you seem to have a good hold on things now. i bet once you get this stuff calmed down you'll have some rockin tanks!