my female bettas...

Aug 31, 2005
Los Angeles
Hey, guys,

I have two female bettas in a community tank for almost half a year. They're doing fine with each other and very friendly to their tankmates. I also have a very aggressive male betta (by itself in a two gal tank). In July I chose one female and tried to breed them, but it was unsuccessful because the male betta got REALLY mean and about to hurt the female. After that I had never put them together. However, I just found out that the female betta became very fat... (looks like it's holding eggs or something). I have no idea what happened to it because it looks very healthy, happy, and friendly. It has been eating regularly, and especially excited when I feed them blood worms as a treat.

It's getting fat... is it the normally gaining of weight, or is it holding eggs or something? ...without a male to breed, will it die if it keeps holding the eggs?
I might be worrying too much here, but i think it's better to make sure everything goes well..

Thanks :p

Aug 31, 2005
Los Angeles
I had the male and female together for a day. In the evening when I checked them again, looked like the male was trying to hurt the female... like he opened his mouth wide, rush into female, then she ran away, and he kept chasing her like this.... I could see the female's tail was torned apart, so that I separated them again.

Is there anyway to make the mean betta interest in the female? (He does make bubbles sometimes, and she is really fat...)

Thanks :eek:

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