my filter isn't working


Large Fish
Aug 20, 2003
Visit site
My penguin started doing that. I can clean it like it was new and sometimes it just dosent run after it has been off.... I dont know what its problem is.

Do you know anything about electronics. Ex. Do you have a voltage tester.

The motor houseings are just coils of wire that are incased in epoxy. If the coil went out, which happens, then it would stop working.... if you do a continuity check it will show that it is open if there is a short in the coil.

Other than that.... Could it be the outlet that it is in. Have you tried it in other outlets. Or other things in that outlet.

Just what I could come up with.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I've had this happen to my Whisper.....only thing i did to get it work again was let it dry out and try it a day or so later.

Luckly i had a backup. I thought the moter burned on me so i just stuck in under my tank and figured i'd scrap it for parts when i needed them.......i wanted to get the cloudyness and "stuff" out of my 55gal faster so i just happened to try it and boom, it works.

Its like just a vibrating right? And you can hear a slight sound but it doesn't sound like its trying to make a suction right? Yeah that happened to mine.