My first algae problems.


Large Fish
Oct 16, 2006
I've been ignoreing the fact that two of my 4 tanks have algae, it did'nt bother me much untill today.My ten gallon has the worst case of both of the tanks with algae,theirs algae on the walls,the gravel and even the fake plants,*duno if theirs any on the green boat :\*.My 1 gallon tank has a small case of algae growing on the decorations.

My question is what do i do to get rid of it?

And also would it be best to get an algae eating fish for this, cause theirs a whole heck of allot of it in my tanks D=.


Large Fish
Oct 16, 2006
well in my 1 gal tank which i cleaned today, it came off easy and disolved it was green and it was flat in some areas and bumpy in others.

In my ten gal it's like a brownish/green and it looks like it's trying to stain everything in sight and it's flat and it looks dry like it was cooked on the stuff, i haven't tried removeing any yet because it's mostly on the bottom of my tank and i have nothing to remove it with that i personally think is safe in my tanks.

Also can this stuff hurt my fish at all or is it harmless?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
It's harmless to your fish.

It sounds like you have green spot algae, and perhaps some brown algae. It's pretty normal. Just wipe it off if it bothers you. If it's hard, an old credit card is good for scraping it off of glass tanks (but don't use anything hard or abrasive on acrylic tanks).


Large Fish
Dec 3, 2006
Arizona USA
I personally just try and stay on top of the algae problem and it never really becomes an issue. I have two large leaf silk plants and one wood piece and I will take one out and scrub it in tank water that I have taken out for my weekly water change. I clean at least one item every two or three weeks, but never all three at the same time. Siphon my gravel every three weeks or so and then use my magna float scrapper. I will say this, since I switched to an acrylic tank, I don't seem to have as much problem with it getting on the sides of my tank. Just my two cents. :D


Large Fish
Oct 16, 2006
i clean my ten gal twice a week on sunday and on wensday about 25% the first time and about 50% the secound time,and my 1 gal 2 times a week same days 1 25% first time and a 90% the secoudn time, i leave the lights on for around 16 hours a day.i don't know what watts my lights are but they are at least 2 months old.I cleaned the algae off my tank today and it looks much better :p.


Large Fish
Dec 3, 2006
Arizona USA
Katome556 said:
i clean my ten gal twice a week on sunday and on wensday about 25% the first time and about 50% the secound time,and my 1 gal 2 times a week same days 1 25% first time and a 90% the secoudn time, i leave the lights on for around 16 hours a day.i don't know what watts my lights are but they are at least 2 months old.I cleaned the algae off my tank today and it looks much better :p.
WOW! My first reaction is you are cleaning way to much!:eek: I would think your tanks would be cycling all the time. When you say 25%, 50%, or 90%:eek: , is that meaning your water change? I'm surprised your fish are still alive, but I could be misreading what you are saying. Sorry if I did, but it sounds like overkill. As far as your lights, I think you are leaving them on to long, which could be why you are seeing so much algea. I would say 12 hours max.

Edit: Instead of doing all those water changes, just take out one plant a week and scrub it in tank water.

Last edited:
Dec 30, 2006
Wow thats a lot of water changing! If your cleaning twice a week, I would do 15% at a time. 90%water change is a tad to are getting rid of bacteria from your tank which is important..

You should keep your lights on for 12-14 hours.

Algae is harmless to fish...But..If your whole tank is overtaken with algae, it is a sign of poor water quality,which can later kill your fish.

Green algae , or a light green film, is indicative of good water quality and a great treat for your algae fish.:)

If you are doing weekly changes, it most likely isnt your water, but more a lighting issue..


Large Fish
Oct 16, 2006
I've had it since the middle of november and it is cycled in case you wanted to know,90% for my 1 gal is because i had to move the snail and i have to cover for extra waste being produced since theirs no filter to the 1 gal.Also the algae was just a very light layer on some fake plants and the front and sides,And O_O i put 50% insteed of 15% on the W/C for my ten gal ^^'.Also i've been cleaning the 1 gal allot because my male betta in it is still bloated as well as the snail in it and i want to make sure he does'nt devope any problems,all the tank messurements are perfect Amm in both tanks are 0 nitrites are 0 in both tanks and i can't find my nitrate test kit. D=

Edit: i'll leave the lights on for 12 hours for now on, thank you ^^.


Large Fish
Dec 3, 2006
Arizona USA
Katome556 said:
and i can't find my nitrate test kit. D=

Edit: i'll leave the lights on for 12 hours for now on, thank you ^^.
Do you have a Petsmart or something like that close by? They have nitrate tests because that is something you'll want to watch for (oh, you already have one, just can't find it). Buy another one because your fish will die fast if the Nitrate gets to high. After testing for PH, Nitrite, Nitrate, Amonia and if all checks out, there should be no need for extra water changes (Maybe twice a week with your 1 gallon, but I would only do 15% max). In my experience to many water changes can be just as deadly as no water changes. It's a balance. Good luck.


Large Fish
Oct 16, 2006
last time i checked which was about 2 days ago i think the nitrates were at 6,i still need to find that nitrate test kit tomarrow it's probly with my old ten gal where i last saw it.

Also what is high for nitrates?
and what is too low?