My first bout with Ich


Medium Fish
Jul 31, 2003
Atlanta, Georgia
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Well, it's been a little more than a week (bought my first betta on 7/23)....noticed today Solomon has little white specks on his head and pectoral fins (they weren't there yesterday). *SICK* It's my first case of Ich. :( I've read it's very common, so I'm not too concerned...especially since I caught it early (he's not rubbing against anything).

I went to Petsmart and bought a bottle of Cure-Ick (by Aquarium Products) that has malachite green and formalin as its active ingredients. The directions say 10 drops per gallon (every 24 hours for a maximum of 3 days)...but since I have him in a 1/2 gallon (with no filter) I asked the lady at Petsmart if it was ok to put 5 drops. She said I have to be really careful not to overmedicate and suggested I use 4 drops. I also asked her if I should change his water first (I do 100% water change once a week...his last change was this past Monday). She said not to stress him with a water change yet.

So, I put in 4 drops. The bottle says it cures most cases of ich within 24 hours. So I'll keep checking him and see how he is tomorrow 24 hours from now.

My question to you guys: if after 24 hours he still has the spots, should I go ahead and do a 100% water change and give him/the water another dose of 4 drops? Or should I wait a couple of days (until Monday) to change the water and medicate again? (FYI: it's Saturday 8/2 and almost 8 pm here).

Thanks in advance for your help.


Superstar Fish
Jun 21, 2003
St. Paul, MN
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Not sure why she said 4 drops instead of 5 if you have a 1/2 gallon tank. However, I would follow the directions for the length of time for treatment. I would agree not to change the water until you are done medicating. Ich can be pretty persistent so I would be suspect of the 24 hours. IMO I would give it another day at least and add another dose.


Medium Fish
Jul 31, 2003
Atlanta, Georgia
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Thanks....I went to the product's manufacturer website which has a dosage information page. (funny that the stuff on the webpage wasn't on the bottle). But said the max to give is 2 doses within 48 hours. So I'll give him his 2nd dosage later today. The webpage also said that after the max dosage if the ich is still present to wait another 24 hours, do a water change and start medication cycle over again.

Yeah, I was suspect of the 24 hours. I'm no expert, and definitely a newbie...but in what I've read about ich and it's cycle, that 24 hour thing just doesn't seem possible.

Thanks for your help :)


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Ick is a long cycle +/- 21 days. Use the strong meds until the symptoms go away (2-4 days), then switch to something less harmful to the fish, like Coppersafe or Aquarisol.

Continue with your regular water changes before you add another dose of medicine (twice a week in a 1/2 gallon - I have one to)

Also, Ick treatment needs patience. With medication and time, Solomon should recover just fine. Avoid over medicating and doing to many water changes (it stresses them out). Solomon will likely get lethargic and hang around the top of the tank, not moving, this is a normal part of recovery so don't get too worried. Keep him company, interact with Solomon by talking and visiting.

Keep us posted, I hope Solomon gets well soon.

Mar 11, 2003
Ich can be cured wtih out medication also. If you raise the temp to 80*F then the ich will die when it is in its "swimming" stage of life. But I am guessing it would be hard to heat a 1/2 gallon, so keep up the meds, and DON'T over medicate. Its better to be under than over.



Medium Fish
Jul 31, 2003
Atlanta, Georgia
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Thanks for all the input guys. Thought I'd update you and let you know Solomon's all better. I had to email Aquarium Products (same makers of Aquarisol) to get the correct dosage for Cure Ick (their website had two different web pages, each with different dosage info and a 3rd different dosage info on the bottle!). Their customer service person apologized for the confusion and gave me the correct dosage, duration and when to repeat if necessary. Long story short, he's doing fine now.

Thanks again.