My First CT


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
This is my first clown-tail betta and he's awesome, in my opinion. I just love his dark, bold colors. I'm thinking I'll call him Strider, but I'm not sure. What do you think?



Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
hmmm i never liked crowntails...but i think im on a mission to get every kind of betta there is! so maybe CT will come after my plakat

how about Auzzie? or Aushtie? the name is stuck in my head since i saw this pic


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
Thanks for the compliments. He is a interesting betta. I've found that he likes to hide in side the filter in his tank. There will be times that I can't see him in there and he swims out of the filter. I personally am not fond of the idea of him in there because he might get hurt, but so far he's been fine. As for names, I don't know if anyone here has a betta named Strider, I had an angel named that, but he died in a freak thing that killed all my angels in a week. I'm liking the name Auzzie too. I wish you could see him in person, pics don't do him justice. It's almost like he's black with hints of bold red, green and white color. Here are a few more pics of him. Suggestions for names are still welcome, I'm looking for a name that seems as bold as he is.


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Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
So I came home from work today and went to my room and thought that something smelled fishy (no pun intended). Come to find out the my ct had jumped through the one hole in the top of the tank's lid that he could and was lying next to the tank. He was still kind of breathing so I put him back in the tank hoping he'd be okay, but it was not to be. He died. So I went and got a new ct and a spounge to plug the hole. So here he is and I am still taking suggestions for names.

Here are some females I got while at the store as well.


Not named yet