My first message

Hello all
I live in Bristol in the UK and have started keeping fish again after a 9yr absense from the hobby.(So much better)
I have two tanks at the moment but plan to invest in a larger tank when I buy my own house next year.
Tank 1 is a 70 litre with
2 clown loaches
4 platy
2 honey gouarmi
1 dwarf gouarmi
1 sailfin plec
2 peacock goby (soon to go to 2nd tank)

Tank 2 is a 20 litre
3 platy.

I plan to move the 3 platy once the tank has cycled properly and create a Goby tank. Looking for an alge eater rhat will live in harmony with my Gobies (1 male 2 females), was thinking of some Amano shrimp, but any other suggestions would be helpfull as my girlfriend doesn't like the idea of shrimp in the bedroom.