My First Rams, experience and some q's ...


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
Well browsing a petstore around my area and i came across some blue rams. I knew i seen them before but not consistenty. So i saw them and bought 2 as an impulse for $14. Well so far im not sure which sexes i have but i hope i have a pair.

So far they have established territories between the two, therefore leading me to believe they are both male. One stays in front and seems to be interested by my presence. This one that stays in the front doesnt have the darker more vibrant colors the other ram does. This one also seems to be the dominate one since the other one swims away when chased.

But the one in the back has some more defined colors, more dark red and black lines and seems a little bigger then the one that hangs in front.

So right now im guessing they are both male, because of the territory part and none have a pink stomach indicating its carrying eggs. So is there any other way to distinguish the two sexes? Thanks

- depthC


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
i honestly dont know how to reliably sex these guys.

i just wanted to tell you "good-job" on getting these guys to stay out in the open...

tanks that have little to no structures or plants will have very fugitive rams, thus defeating the purpose of having such pretty little cichlids.


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
Thanks for the tip wayne ill have to check it out.

As for them staying out in the open, they dont seem to be shy at all. I have adequet plant and pot cover if they felt shy, but so far they seem to stay out in the open and play little games and seem to fight over terrritory. Im glad i got this fish it might be one of the most interesting fish i have.

- depthC