My first sign of life!


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
We had a club meeting on Saturday, and one of the other members brought me about 20 lbs of live rock in exchange for some cherry shrimp & guppy grass :p I didn't realize he was bringing it, so I bought some pre-mixed saltwater from Petco, a bucket of salt, and a hydrometer from Petco on my way home. I put the rock in a 10 gallon, with a heater and small powerhead, and mixed up the saltwater to 1.024sg. As I was looking at it, I noticed a tiny little hermit crab, which is my first sign of life on the salty side :p

A local reefer is going to build me an acrylic sump to fit under my stand, with three sections. One for intake & skimmer, one for refugium & one for return. And I'm going to be getting my tank drilled in a couple of weeks. What type/size light is recommended for the fuge? I'm planning on getting some chaeto and caulerpa for it, along with a deep sand bed.

I've got the RO/DI unit, upgraded lighting, 100lbs of base rock, 2 -Hydor Koralia 2's and a heater already. I still need to get some fine aragonite sand and test kits yet.

I bought Petco generic brand salt, is that ok? It was $20 cheaper, and I was buying the Petco pre-mixed saltwater so I wanted to keep it the same.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
u could use a clipon type light from homedepot, personally im using my old pc's that i used to have over my 55g just cause i had them laying around... cheato is good but IMO stay away from caulerpa ;) (it can go asexual and mess things up)


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
Thanks. I've read that before about caulerpa, so I might just stay away from it and only get chaeto. One of the guys in the club offered me some free caulerpa to get the tank going though.

The only thing that I'm not sure about is the return pump, what size would I need? I think I'm want to get a Quiet One, and my overflow is 700gph.