My fish are always looking at me...

Feb 15, 2011
I have an aquarium on my desk here at work and they bring a smile to most everyone's face when people come in to my office. :) I'll admit I never asked for permission and just brought it in and no one said anything except for 'cute fish'

I'm still a newb(started tank in October with 2 mollies and 2 platies and lost all but 1 molly and then added 2 more either platies or mollies and haven't lost any more), but I'm assuming that livebearers spend most of their time grazing and my 3(2 mollies and a platy or is it 2 platies and a molly) do, but every time I look at them, they come to the front of the tank and stare at me. It's weird.

Can fish really see well enough to know when you are looking at them? The tank is behind me, so I have to turn a bit to look at them so maybe they see the movement or something. hmmm. So are they just really bored? How good can fish see?

btw, don't worry about the 3 livebearers in the 5 gallon. I know it's not really enough room for them to move around as much as they want to, but none of the 3 seem aggressive or territorial even though they are all male. This is a temporary home since I'm moving next month and will set up either the 20 gallon or an even bigger aquarium if I can get my brother to agree to it.


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Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Looks like two platys and a molly to me. The yellow one might be a molly, but I can't tell from that pic for sure.

Fish have their own personalities. It depends on the breed, breeding, environment, etc.

Oh, and they want something besides wardleys goldfish food. Get them some Hikari algae wafers. :D

Feb 27, 2009
Can fish really see well enough to know when you are looking at them?
Any fish I have that eats flakes or other prepared food is right at the front of the tank near the top, waiting for food if someone walks by. Even if I fed them 20 mins ago, they are still 'starving' and 'begging' for food.

My dwarf freshwater puffer will only come out of hiding if its ME that comes to his aquarium. When I've been away for a few days and my hubby is home tending the tanks, he worries so much because the fish will not come out to eat what he offers, not even frozen bloodworms. The minute that I come in the door, he swims to the left corner of the tank and begs like a little puppy. The tank is a part of a room divider and if I go to the other side and sit down to read a book (college class uggg), he will pace back and forth along the glass. If I look up at the tank, he stops pacing and stares back at me.

So, from my experience, the answer is YES!

Feb 10, 2011
Annapolis, MD
This is a serious case of very very cool, but also a tad creepy. My tetras, barbs and shark all seem to be too consumed with darting around having fun in the tank to even notice me.. until I open the hood.

Maybe they're planning something anabolina. I'd watch my back if I were you. :)


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
omg!! lol!! My 3 Platies and 5 Neon Tetras do that to me too. When it's feeding time (3 times a day), they swim back and forth in this little area in the front of the tank. They follow my finger and if I stick my finger in the tank, they will swim around it. They are extremely friendly fish.