My fish broke their house

Jun 21, 2008
Ok, so my tank seems to have developed a very slow leak. Maybe. It's possible it's something else, but long story short, I'm leaving town tomorrow for a week and don't want to leave it like it is. So, I'm planning on putting all the fish, water, filter and heater in a big plastic rubbermaid like container that I have. So, questions:
1. The container will hold about 55 gallons. Will the weight of the water be too much stress on it, or should it be ok? I have a couple smaller ones, but that's a lot of fish in a smaller space to be left alone for a week (see my sig for fish).
2. How much, if any, gravel, etc. should I put in with them? I'm planning on putting in a piece of driftwood for the plecos and maybe a couple of the bottles for the more shy fish, but do I need gravel too?
3. Should I leave the top of the bucket open, or put the lid on, just loosely and maybe not completely covering one of the edges to make room for my automatic feeder?
Any input is appreciated. It would probably be fine to leave them, but it makes me too nervous. Thanks.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
I think some of those are to flimsy for that much water I have thought of using them as fry growout tanks but have been to scared, I would do your best to find the leak that way if it is a leaking filter you can fix it before you go, unfortunately I have no good advice, good luck and hopefully everything goes ok.

EDIT: I would cut the top so you can use what you need to, I personally would let them go for the week with out food but that me, the danios may jump out if not covered.

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Maybe a help. Duct tape duct tape duct tape! Tape around the whole thing a bunch of times. That should strenthen the sides of the tank. Possible make a center brace out of something or even taping the across the top for strength. If you somehow leave the lid on you will need and air pump in there. The lid if fit snug should act as a top brace as well. You have to take what you think is the lesser of two evils. A possible leaking tank that will break, or a unknown structure strength for a rubbermaid that might possible break. Choose wisely grass hopper.

Jun 21, 2008
Well, my girlfriend came up with a brilliant suggestion. After weighing the options, including a 46 gallon bowfront that I have sitting, but have no idea if it holds water, we decided on the rubbermaid tub, sitting in the bathtub. She suggested filling the actual bathtub with water outside of the rubbermaid tub, thus equalizing the pressure on the plastic tub, so there's no worries of it breaking. I transferred all the fish and set up the filter and my 2 heaters. Other than the fact that all the fish are angry with me for moving them and the heaters won't stick to the side of the plastic, so they're kind of floating, I think all is well.
So, brian - I'm leaving tomorrow morning, and will be back by next Sunday night. Is that too long to leave them without food? I could probably have a friend come over and feed them once midweek. Would that be the best option?
I'm also worried about the danios jumping out, and even the clown loaches got jumpy when cornered. So, should I just put the lid on after cutting a hole out for the filter? I guess that would be similar to the regular situation, with most of the oxygen exchange happening through that hole. Thanks for the input everyone. Still open to suggestions. I might have to document this process.

Jun 21, 2008
Ok. The lid is on, and we ran a few strips of duct tape across the top (not touching the water). Filter running, 2 heaters in, I think they'll be good. Since I'm having to basically restart the tank anyway, I'm thinking of switching to planted. So, threads coming soon with questions regarding that I'm sure (in the planted forum, but still). Thanks for everyone's quick advice. Hopefully the fish will make it through, they should, they're basically in a tank without clear sides. It's like a vacation for them. Haha. Spring break in the tub! Woo hoo!