My fish has a LUMP!!! HELP


Small Fish
Mar 20, 2011
I have just come to the end of my tether with my goldfish, I cannot treat her & wondered if anyone can help.
She is 2yrs old & about 8cm long, bright gold & has never got any bigger.
%months ago she developed a small lump on her side.
Its getting bigger, more promament (bulgy) it looks like something is under her scales pushing them up.
First i tried the natural approach with sabbactisun (treats ulcers,rot,dropsy,fungus & all bacterial infections) & added salt.
This did nothing.
It wasnt too big at this stage about 1/2 a scale was lumpy. Then it progressed to 1scale lumpy so I treid methylene blue (a bit harsh for all the fish & plants but i wanted to nip this thing in the bud) This also did nothing.
Now its 2scales long & 2 scales wide & furry so I tried Myxazin. That got rid of the fuzz but did little else. (note the lump is the same bright yellow colour as her.
For the Myxazin I moved her to a 70 litre tank on her own with plants & live food to give the other 2 fish a break from treatment as there was nothing wrong with them.
The first thing she did ws laid a pant-load of eggs....but the lump still remained. Whatever it is is not catching as I moved her back with the other 2 big fish as in the little tank all she did was swim in loops & i worried she was going a little fruit-loop by herself.
I dont know what to try next!!
Ive looked on the internet & it doesnt look like any infections, bacteria or tumors ive seen....I dont know what it could be.
Also my fantail goldfish has now developed a whit lump the size of a pea on the side of his head (it looks like a water blister)
The tank is small for them but it cant be the cause surely?
Any advice Pleeeeeeease!!!!


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
First off, pics would be nice. The fuzzy stuff was fungus (get MelaFix and PrimaFix next time!!) As for the lump, it's probably eggs, has she ever laid them before?? If this is her first time, then it will take a while before they are all gone. Again, try to post some pictures.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
tank too small for goldfish means that they are living in sewage

living in sewage can cause all sorts of issues and is likely a factor if not the cause

fantails are deformed they are bread to be deformed and selectively inbred to be even more deformed

so genetics could also be an issue

start doing fifty percent daily water changes and id bet dollars to doughnuts that your fish start looking better