My fish has suicidal thoughts

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
Oh, my goodness, this is just upsetting! I was filling up some tubes with water to perform some routine water testing, when all of a sudden Bozo, my adorable little perc(the one on top in my avatar pic), took a leap out of the small opening and landed splat on my ceramic tile floor, 4 feet below. It was a mad dash to find my net so I could scoop him up and put him back in the tank. He was laying on the floor on his side for about 10 seconds before he was put back into the tank. He appears to be moving around ok and all of his fins are wiggling the way they are supposed to. But I can't imagine the pain he is going through. Does he have internal bleeding? Did he suffer brain damage? Will he have permanent emotional scars? Seriously though, I hope he will be ok and doesn't die. I will have to keep an eye on him.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
There's nothing you can really do at this point, except hope for the best and put a cover on your tank.

Most fish will make a 4-foot drop on to tile, but you never know. Expect him to look freaked out/a little sick for the next few days.

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
I do have a cover on my tank, a glass versa top. I opened the hinged top to fill a tube up and thats when he decided to take up high diving. In the almost 4 months I have had these fish they have never done anything like this.

Jul 7, 2008
Jeeze, nothing you can do except keep that top down whenever you can. Tons of fish can jump. A guy on another board had a mated pair for Crosshatch Triggers, and one took a leap when he was doing the same thing you were. They cost him around $700 for the pair, imagine that blunder.