my fish need help

Jul 8, 2005
victoria b.c canada
Hi i'm hoping someone out there can help me, if so that would be great. You all have helped me alot in the past.
I have a 29 gallon tank with male\female guppies and different catfish, and some platys
I'm Still a bit of a rookie when it comes to my fish and their problems, for example i had a platy, and she had a hard time swiming,, i wasn't sure of the problem. i had a Jungle Aquarium fish Care Chart, an in it stated [ that it was swim bladder disease, difficulty maintaining postion, and are unbalanced. cure was fungus elimintor, binox or fungus clear.] unsure of this i called the local pet shop, i was told it was sick and to get rid of the sick fish...or all...
I then did half the water in the tank,[ added more water] and added a teaspoon of ick guard...thinking this might help, then repeated the cleaning and ick 2 days later. the fish seem to be doing a lot better. it's swiming stright now.
A friend of mine at work told me it was the PH leval due to the summer to turn up the thermatuer a bit, and that should this the right step?
Or Was this some kind of ick, or some outher strange bacteria? and is it gone or do i need to repeate these steps.?... cleaning wise
is there any test strips of some sort that help identify the problems,
thank you all.
thank you james.


Medium Fish
Jun 17, 2005
Las Vegas, NV, USA
I don't think it was ich if you didn't see white spots on the fish, and I don't think the ich med is what is helping your fish. Most likely, I think it was just the fresh water (from the cleaning/water changes) that helped the platy out. Also, I thought swim bladder disease was from overeating and was reversable only in early stages (I think you caught it early)... did you stop feeding as much?

As far as test kits, I think you can get the ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate ones and test to see if any of those are out of whack. Regarding PH, I'm not sure of the signs of PH shock or what not except for I think heavy breathing. I hope this helps somewhat.

Dec 8, 2004
Visit site
what do you mean by "some kind of ick"? to my knowledge, there's only one kind of ich, and that's the white spot disease. if your fish have it, it would look like there were little pieces of salt stuck all over their bodies and fins. i do believe, however, that ich medicine treats some other parasites. i'm not sure which ones though.

strip tests will tell you your water parameters. telling us your water parameters would help us a lot in helping you. let us know your temperature, nitrite, nitrate, ammonia and ph levels if you can.

oh and- i've never heard of the ph levels being related to temperature, but i could be wrong about that.