My fishes are sick, help please!

Apr 11, 2006
hi, I'm new to saltwater as well as this website. I just got my tank setup for about two week now and I am encountering alot of problems. The water seem murky, red alage keep on grow the rock, fish constantly have ick and seem like it cannot be cure by the ick medicine I bought from the store. Could anymore please help me.

My tank is 20 gallons
cure lives rocks and sand from established tank
light are turn on about 9-10, two filter penguin 150 and 200 runing at same time. I use cycle to help generate more bacteria inorder to help my tank mature faster. Feed my fish twice a day.
I have 1 small blue tang, 1 damsell, 1 raccon butteryfly(the size of three fingers combined), one yellow tang(same size as the butterfly), 1 black and white strip angelfish (little bit smaller than the buttery, very sick, cover with ick or ich, white little spots all around its body and fins rotton), and one koran angel.

All my fish are infected with ich or ick (whatever it is called) Can you professional guys point me to the right direction or step in curing my fishes. I really need your help. Thank you!!


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
saltwater84 said:
My tank is 20 gallons

I have 1 small blue tang, 1 damsell, 1 raccon butteryfly(the size of three fingers combined), one yellow tang(same size as the butterfly), 1 black and white strip angelfish (little bit smaller than the buttery, very sick, cover with ick or ich, white little spots all around its body and fins rotton), and one koran angel.
well first off HOLY CR*P that stocking list shouldnt be in a 75! You gotta get ride of some of your fish or get a bigger tank ASAP. That stocking list is huge for a tank that small and Im surprised your fish have even lated 2 weeks. You need to setup a QT tank if possible because other wise your fish are doomed to death. What you need to do is setup a qt and do your best to get the fish healthy and then try and find a new home for them.

Do you have any live rock in your tank or just the HOB filters? Not to sound mean but if this was a "on a whim" setup your tank will not succede.

Do you have any readings on your basic paramaters (ammonia, nitrIte, nitrAte?) Im assuming there through the roof with a 2 a day feeding and those fish.

Man you are in for some work to deal with this... but act fast and you will save em.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
saltwater84 said:
hi, I'm new to saltwater as well as this website. I just got my tank setup for about two week now and I am encountering alot of problems. The water seem murky, red alage keep on grow the rock, fish constantly have ick and seem like it cannot be cure by the ick medicine I bought from the store. Could anymore please help me.

Just droppn gin ich medicine wont fix the problem and will more than likely kill everything else in the tank if your dropping it directly into the main tank. If all fish are infected with ich you need to get atleast a couple of 20 gallon long tanks to start immediate treatment in the QT tanks. You cant use the medicine in the main tank. The ich is thriving in this situation (overcrowding, overfeeding, and probably high nitrites and ammonia and nitrate) Do you have the ability to setup a QT tank?


Large Fish
Feb 22, 2006
Kirkwood, MO
oh my......

in all seriousness, if your LFS is stocked with good people (i.e. they didn't know you were going to put these all in a 20 gal.) put the fish in bags and take them there... now. they are the only hope for these fish to survive. even if you can QT, to do it right, you need to seperate them to QT them to lower their stress, and I doubt you have the ability to set up 6 QT tanks!!

and please read up on the hobby before attempting another. I'm not trying to be rude or mean, but of your list of fish, only 1 (the damsel) could live for long in a tank that small. my 75 would not be large enough for your list, not even close. and don't get me started on "cycle." please tell me someone talked you into that. cured or no, liver rock needs at least 2-3 weeks by itself to cycle, even if it comes from and established tank. and then fish should be added slowly, with time in between. the fact that you have jammed this much life into that little of space indicates that the homework was not done. there are great books to read and the stickies in these forums are great too.

I'm with you RC, I hope this is a joke.