My fishtank is in Chaos...

Jul 13, 2005
I recently about 3 weeks ago had a betta die. I cleaned the tank numerous times. The I decided a week later maybe it was time to get a frog.
I got to 2 frogs, I have only had them for a week and one died on me. I put in another gallon container tap water and put in the cleanser and left it in there for 4 days before I did my 1/4 water change. I way less that 1/4 of the cleansed water. About 9 hours later my frog croaked(no pun intended). I have no clue what to do? The other fish are fine, and the other frog looks fine. I feed my frogs brine shrimp about every 2 days and then on the third day i just put in flake food. They eat both, I watched them. I am so worried, what should I do? I know the temp. is right.

Oh sorry you guys, the tank is 4 gallons, I have room temperature water. The tank has been setup for a little over 10 months. All I have in the tank now is 2 white clouds and 1 drawf frogs(the one is a baby no bigger that a penny). I have never used ammonia or a test kit. This is because I thought if I had a filter and I do a 1/4 water change I should be okay. I am just worried that everything is going to die in my tank. The betta just up and died, I really do not know of the reason. I am a novice at this. I am just worried about what I can do. I did buy new stuff for the frogs such as 2 plastic plants and a cave. I really do not know what is wrong, so much that I am unsure what needs to be asked/fixed.

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Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
We're gonna need some more information from you...

What size is the tank? What other fish/inhabitants are in the tank? You say the temp is right, what is that temperature? Do you have test kits and know what your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels are in the tank? How long has this tank been set up? Do you know why the betta died?

Whats your question? You're concerned about the remaining frog...or you want to know if you should get some more frogs? Did you read Leopardess' article on ADF's? that might help out a bit.

I put in another gallon container tap water and put in the cleanser and left it in there for 4 days before I did my 1/4 water change. I way less that 1/4 of the cleansed water. About 9 hours later my frog croaked(no pun intended). I have no clue what to do?
Tell us more about what you mean by "the cleanser" and "cleansed" water. What did you use to "clean" the tank before you put your new fish/frogs in it? You should never use soapy products to clean your tank or anything related to your tank. You can use a 10% bleach solution or 10% hydrogen peroxide solution to disenfect the tank and then rinse, rinse, rinse. If you use the bleach solution, you can also fill the tank afterwards and triple dose it with dechlor to make sure there is no more bleach residue left.

I hope so... but he did talk about cleaning his tank numerous times after the Betta died so I wanted to let him know not to use household cleaners which could leave a soap film.

I hope he gets a master test kit... I did some online research on them and you can get the Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Master Test Kit for $12.99 - $14.99 and if you have a local PetsMart, they will match their internet prices. Here is my thread on another forum <link removed by moderator>

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Large Fish
May 9, 2005
West Haven, CT
You should get the test kit and report back. depending on your frequency of water changes, you'd could be ok. But i used mine daily when I first got my tank. once you get a hold on the numbers, and how much to do to control toxins, then you won't have chaos.

Aquapharm mentionws above is awsome...some say too much work, but if you care about your fish, and like the hobby, it won't seem like work. after a time you won't have to use it as often.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
As I see it you had a betta die , then a couple weeks later you bought two dwarf frogs and one of those died straightaway. Well the betta should be no surprise as most of those sold are inbred and not of the greatest quality and vitality, and they have a pretty short natural lifespan anyway so they do tend to just 'pop it'. They are not my favourite fish.
The frog dying is a mystery to me as I don't know much about frogs, but the journey back from the store may have jsut been too much stress. The trouble with buying very small naimals like baby frogs is they are not very strong, and don't have much reserves of body fat and so on, so if they haven't eaten much in the store, the stress of travel may be the last straw.
As nothing else is dying , don't stress too much