My Flower Horn Tank is not that Clear.

This Tank isnt That Crystal Clear like my other tanks.

i didnt put any gravel, as FH like to rearrange the gravel. i only got a top-filter with a few filter media.

what i mean the tank isnt crystal-clear is, its a bit blackish.. is it normal??

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Originally posted by fishdude07
blackish? when you replace them do you rinse off the new ones before you put them in the filter?
i quite dont get what u'r asking..

what i mean, blackish.. it looks like river water. looks like coke diluted with water(3-4part i think)

i did water change every 1 week. replacing 20-30% of the water. in the filter, i got mech filter & carpet subsrate(replacement for the gravel, sorry wrong spelling)

ill post a pic..


Large Fish
Sep 23, 2003
TN, India.
FlowerHorns are real messy. Eat a lot, **** a lot & make water dirty. And how do u feed it? If u're dumping a whole lot of feeder fish into the tank then there's no way u can hv clear water. This is what most of them in my locality do in flowerhorn tanks.
Dont worry buddy! flowerhorns are assembled ones so as to get the reqd color, shape, requirement & temperament. :D
Even after 20-30% water change, ur tank remains murky, means ur mechanical filtration might not be that effective.

1979camaro : it cant be the carpet substrate cause i use it in my other 2 tanks.

i think because it has no gravel IMHO that's why..

Cichlidian : i can see u a FH fan. :) well, yup it eats alot but i feed only twice a day(12hourly) i feed around 20-30mini pellets, im trying to finish this supply and try to give it food sticks after this.

is your FH tank not clear too? (i thy no to use murky as it sound dirty water) yeah, even after 20-30% water change, it still is anit clear. so i dnt have to worry abt anything ans its normal rite.. thanks alot.

oh, why is ants attracted to the FH water?? do u get this??


Small Fish
Mar 28, 2004
Visit site
i would think its your mechanical filtration. i've had quite a few flowerhorns and i've noticed that they do dirty the water pretty quick. in my 55 gallon (about 200L) i have a single fairly large flowerhorn and 2 large alge eaters. i'm using a canister filter and an overhead filter and the water is still pretty clear. i've haven't changed the water in a little bit over a month. i also feed the fish about 3 times a day. i used to have it in a 20 gallon (about 75L) and it used to dirty the water pretty easily. maybe your tank is too small?

now i have about 10 flowerhorn/red devil fry in my 20 gallon. i was lucky to find a pair that would breed. even at about 2 inches they're mean as hell. they all have battle scars from fighting each other.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Barebottem tanks won't make a tank cloudy and messy auotmatically.

Since a lot has been suggested and nothing has worked thus far, i'm going to suggest you go out and find a bottle of P-Clear. Add the reccommended dose and come back in about an hour and see.....stuff works wonders in my tanks.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
But it sounds like his tanks just a little brown, not cloudy like a bacterial bloom. Apart from the flower horn what's in the tank? Any driftwood? I tell you that right now if I use my tap water or drinking water it will be a bit brownish. It's not a problem, but it's funny your other tanks don't show it.
I would try carbon to remova any tannnins. I use polyfilter, but it's overkill for this.