My friend's stocking plan


Small Fish
Feb 5, 2010
My friend found a 20 gallon long tank in his basement, and I've taught him all the basic things, like the nitrogen cycle, and he has it all set up with the filter and heater and such. He used to keep a few fish with a Northern Leopard frog in this tank, and he knows a lot about taking care of the tank and everything, he's not a newbie. Here are the fish that he was thinking about.

Blue Gourami
Paradise Gourami
Bolivian Ram
Schwartz's Corydoras
Leopard Pleco
Zebra Loaches
Bleeding Heart Tetra
Black Neon Tetra
Oto cats

Personally, I think it would be overstocked. I'm also thinking that he shouldn't get both the paradisefish and blue gourami, since they're both anabantoids, won't they fight? I also think he should not get Bolivian Rams since they're really sensitive, aren't they? One last thing I was thinking he shouldn't get are the Black Neon Tetra, I think they're so small, they may get harmed.