My funny clown loach


Small Fish
Jun 18, 2003
Dayton, OH
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I first got interested in this type of fish is because of its looks. However, now that it has been in my tank for a while his behaivor is the best out of all my fish. For the first three or four days he would swim with my three mollies. My sis and I joked he wanted to be a molly (this is before I knew they liked to have partners). The pets store lady said they are fine alone, almost made it seem like they don't care for partners. I've discovered they do, and will be getting another when I come back from vacation.

My clown, in the meantime though, seems to be trying to "school" by himself. He'll go to the back of the tank, and its like he can see his reflection. Then he'll swim back and forth quite rapidly, stopping at each end to look at himself. It looks really funny. Is this really what he is doing.

Also, I've read because they have no scales they are susceptible to ich. what is the best way to prevent this?


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
Clowns do like to have companions - more than one clown is a good idea. My clowns school with my tiger barbs which they look very similar to. Funny fish. Get more if you can. Dont know about ick treatment for them. Keepign fingers crossed.

Jun 25, 2003
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I have a clown loach who's alone and he does just fine, but maybe it's a good idea getting another.

About the ick, when you get the new one, watch out.
The stress of moving causes loaches to get ick easily. Just be careful and you should be clear in a couple of days.

If any of your other fish get ick, get the loaches out of there. They will get it fast and they are hard to treat at that.

Good luck, I hope it all works out!


Large Fish
Nov 21, 2002
North Las Vegas, Nevada
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If one fish in the tank has ich, than its safe to say they all do, so dont seperate the fish as this will just spread the disease. Treat all the fish at once. Ich is hard to prevent but easy to treat. Its best to have the medicine, even before your fish get it. So that you can start treatment at first sign of disease..


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I just brought home 5 clown loaches from the pet store
yesterday.,.. and sure enuf today I see some white spots
on one of them... immediately starting medicating and
raised the temp up a few degrees.....