my German Blue Ram is HIDING


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2006
Hi everyone,

On Thursday I got three yoyo loaches. My Blue Ram seemed pretty stressed at first at the new arrivals, but yesterday he seemed to have gotten over it and was swimming around in the open and coming over to me at the glass as he usually does. Last night he went into a corner of the tank (one of his cave areas) and wouldn't come out. I thought it might just be that he was tired. However, this morning he's still there. He wouldn't come out for breakfast...he won't come over to me at the front of the tank (he usually follows me around like a puppy). His dorsal fin is clamped as well.

I checked the water and all my ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels are ammonia 0, nitrite 0, and nitrate 5.0.....the tank's temp is 81.2 degrees.

Is he just upset about all the new movement in the tank or is this a bigger problem? I haven't noticed the loaches being aggressive, but I also didn't watch what they do all night long.

How long should I let this go before taking the loaches back to the fish store? I don't want my ram to be unhappy or scared.

I have a few pictures included of my ram hiding. Let me know what you all think I should do.



Small Fish
Oct 22, 2006
it's high.....about always is tap water runs the same........

My LFS said that it's not a problem as long as it stays consistent at this level.


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2006
I know....but he's been living in it for a month....and his behavior change was I'm pretty certain that that's not the cause


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2006
it's a tall 30 gallon bowfront...until now he'd had the whole bottom of the tank to he has to share.....

I dont' want him hiding all the time....if he's not going to get over this, I'll bring the loaches back to the store....I just thought they'd help keep the tank a little cleaner.

How long should I wait and give him to adjust before getting rid of the loaches?



Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
The tank you have doesn't really have a large footprint to prevent problems with bottom dwellers and their territories. You should probably add some caves and more plants to help give everyone somewhere to hide. The cave-like structure you have in there won't really satisfy the loaches as a cave, as it's too large and open. Try creating some better hiding places in the tank, see how it works, and if it doesn't, I'd suggest taking the yoyos back.

In general, yoyos can be pretty boisterous, and that might be bothering the ram.


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2006
Thanks for your advice, it's much appreciated.

Okay....I moved things around and added another rock and some fake plants (that I had taken out when I first got real plants)....hopefully that will provide more areas.....

I turned out the light in the tank, maybe that will relax him as well....

How long should I wait before taking back the loaches? I'm thinking that if things aren't better by tomorrow, I'll bring them back tomorrow afternoon. It's too bad, I like the way the little guys look and move and they really are very busy cleaning the tank up....but I absolutely love my ram...I hope I don't lose him because of this, I'll feel awful.


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Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
It looks like a much more fish-friendly tank now :)

I would give it a day and see how the ram does. Unfortunately, rams are easily stressed, and he could decline fast if they aren't suitable tankmates. So yes, if he isn't happier tomorrow, I'd take those loaches back.

As rams are bottom dwelling fish, you need to be careful with tankmates. Cories aren't a good idea, as rams often harass them. Something too boisterous like loaches can stress the ram. A small species of pleco (one that doesn't get more than 6") might be a better tankmate, if you're looking for something to go on the bottom with the ram.


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Wenatchee, WA
How is his breathing? Clamped fins and heavy breathing is a sign if Gill Flukes in GBR's, which is quite common. It can also be a territory issue. They will hide if they feel they are threatened and going to be killed by aother GBR or fish. Ive had that happen several times, and none have survived. They always ended up dying, even if removed to a QT tank by itself. I've never tried treating for gill flukes though, unsure the best remedy for them is. Possible Methalene Blue in a QT tank? Maybe someone with more experience on fish meds can help....


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2006
He is breathing heavily......I didn't notice him rubbing himself on things at anytime, but he was definitely hiding with his fins clamped and breathing hard.....I'm beside myself over this........I don't have a quarantine tank to put any of my fish in....this will have to wait until tomorrow.


Large Fish
Aug 29, 2006
New Jersey
I hate to sound pessimist... but unfortunately I don't think you have much chance left for your fish if it's already started skipping meals.

I have a bunch of different African's and they exhibit the same behavior. One will hide a lot, not swim, clamp fins, breath heavily, not eat, then die. I have been trying to figure it out (along with the manager at my LFS) for a few months now. It's usually 1 fish, then when he dies, a different one, and so on.

I had read about gill flukes and thought, wow this is my problem, and the thing said to add coppersafe, so I did. I was then informed that if it were flukes you would definitely see them. Not to mention my fish still died, and another one looks like he is next.

Quote Whitney:
"I'm beside myself over this........"
I wish you could help me just as much as I wish I could help you. If I ever come up with an explanation I will be sure to share it.


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2006
Well, you were right....he died.

I took his little body back to the fish store with a sample of water. They couldn't see anything wrong with him or my water.

I told the girl that I thought the introduction of the loaches may have stressed him to death, she said she thought it was just a coincidence.

I also removed two of the loaches and brought them back too (the third found a cave in the unremovable backround of the aquarium and though I tried for an hour- could not get him out.

Now I need to decide what I'm doing about my tank....get more rams (this time I'd get a pair)....or something else altogether.

Thanks for all your thoughts.


Large Fish
Apr 19, 2006
They're not mysterious, loaches can be quite aggressive, and rams are very meek. I also think that having to live at pH 8 will not help strenghen the ram anyway - a month isn ot a long time.