My GH and KH


Large Fish
Sep 17, 2009
The Iron Range of Minnesota
Hi all. I was testing my tanks today and I'm not sure if Im reading the GH and KH right. Here's all the numbers I got.

Ammonia: 0
Nitrite 0.25
Nitrate 0
pH 7.8-8.0
GH 23 drops
KH 12 drops.

All tests are API. I have no idea how to interpret the GH & KH and they seem bizarre to me considering there is a water softener in the house. Any help/explanations would be greatly appreciated.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Yore reading th KH and GH right. I doubted myself too when i first tested for these because i had 33 drops of GH in my tank.

1 drop equals 1dH
the dH can be described as dKH and dGH
this means degrees KH and degrees GH.

1 degree equals 17.9 ppm GH or KH.
So do some multiplication to get the ppms.

12 dKH is hard water with good buffering capacity. its likely that your water will maintain a good level of BEING alkaline (not same as alkalinity)
Sounds like its good for african rift cichlids and livebearers as well as most brackish fish. Dont get me wrong, other fish could adapt to these parameters too.

I wish i had 23 dGH! i cant get my GH down below 26 dGH. at one point when i was converting my tank to planted, my GH read 33 dGH. Its a bit high, and its likely that your water leaves lots of white calcium/mineral deposits on surfaces when it dries out. 23 dGH is like i said not too high for brackish, livebearers, and african cichlids, just to name a few.

Its best not to use household water softener...i read somewhere. its also ill-advised to use softener pillows made by API. these replace the mineral ions with sodium ions, and this may have bad effects on the fish long term. the best method ive seen at lowering GH, KH, and pH is by filtering water through peat moss. The GH on the other hand is going to have to be removed by water changes, replacing the old water with newly filtered peat water. Also you may need to use RO water as an additive.

You could just stick with species that like alkaline, hard water...


Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
What is it that you want to keep? Most any fish can live in there, i have water simular to yours and i have no problems growing plants or keeping tetras. If you get fish from a local store they are probably already in water simular to yours and should be just fine. Consistance is usually better then conditions from origin (speciess not the individual)