My Gourami Died....


Large Fish
Jun 8, 2003
Cichlid Question.

....................Cichlid Question at bottom..................

My neon blue Gourami Died last night. I think the kribs were beating it up (they r nesting now and dont like anyone coming to close to them).I noticed it was struggling and then a closer look showed that it was bleeding from the gills. It died early morning and when i took it out it had like a big brused area on the gill that was bleeding. I could only put it down to the kribs. But i did buy 2 Butterfly Cichlid could it have been these 2 They are only new and didnt seem to bother any of the fish.

Im realy worried as my other blue gourami dosent seem to happy (always hiding) I was going to purchase another one is this a good idea or should i wait and see what happens to last gourami?

............................Cichlid Question.........................
also i have finaly found a fish shop that has some realy tropo fish. was looking into getting Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid male and female is this a good idea, as i have 2 kribs and the 2 new Butterfly Cichlid or will this be a big mistake.

cheers aron.

Last edited:
Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
90 gal seems big.....i would say yes to getting the Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid male and female. All of the cichlid species you have in there now are peaceful but are territorial at times (breeding). If all of your fish except your gourami get along i would say yes. You may want to see what happens to the other gourami.....

ANother idea for the gourami is to nurse it to health (if needed) seel it back to the LFS to get credit to buy the new Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid male and female. :D

Good Luck!