My Gourami is Black

May 8, 2006
I just recently did a water change a few days ago and since then my gourami (male) has been getting more and more black. Now he is completely black with spots of his original blue color. (Looks pretty cool to me) He is in there with another gold gourami (female) and two pleco so I don't know if this is over territory (there seems to be no aggression) or what I was reading that they can change colors with mood, health, and mating status.

I am not sure what is going on my water quality is at A+ status I just tested it yesterday and he isn't showing signs of stress. Maybe he is just changing it with mood and is now happier since the water change? He did look pretty rough before the water change and I am not sure what my water quality was at before the water change.

Any opinions? I googled it, but didn't learn much at all as to what this could mean.

Also just too add it is weird he will be all black (dark blue) then only 50% black (dark blue) and 50% of his original blue the next. It is all very interesting!

Last edited:
May 30, 2008
Midland, MI
My blue gourami did the same thing a month or so ago. It sounds like your water quality is probably great, so good that the gourami wants to spawn. Keep an eye on the top of the tank and look for bubbles floating around. Gouramis make bubblenest to keep their eggs in and the male makes the nest and will tend to the eggs fighting off anyone that gets too close. My guy tried to make a bubble nest for a few weeks, then I think he finally figured out that nooone was going to supply him with eggs to fertilize so he gave up, but ended up getting into a fight to protect his empty nest and lost his life trying to defend it. I wouldn't put too much concern to this, but keep an eye on the surface and watch to see that your other fish aren't getting picked on by blue male. Good luck.