My gourami is swallowing a hair


Large Fish
Apr 26, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
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I am not making this up. My three inch gourami has a very fine hair (my daughter's) halfway ingested. About 2 inches have been swallowed probably, and another two inches are hanging out of its mouth.

I've netted it, submersed slightly, but then it becomes impossible to see the hair.

I've also let it swim up close to my (very still) hand and tried to grab it, but no luck -- that's a delicate maneuver, too.

The guy at LFS suggested taking it out, laying it on a wet towel, and getting it out slowly.

My question is -- is it worth that? I'm afraid I'll hurt or terrifying the thing into shock if I do that. Then again, if this is going to be a problem, I'll try it.

Will this hair pass through (either digested or not)?

I know this is probably the weirdest problem ever posted, but any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


Medium Fish
Apr 6, 2003
Yarmouth, N.S.
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Net the fish out of your tank, and try and cut the hair as close to his mouth as you can with a pair of scissors. He should be able to digest what's already down there. I wouldn't risk pulling it out.