My gouramie and my goldfish...

During feeding time, my goldfish will hassle, push, and rub all over my dwarf gouramie. The gouramie keeps eating and is mostly undisturbed, but then will eventually get annoyed and snap at the goldfish. Consequently, my goldfish has a few missing scales on his sides. Anyone else ever seen similar? Do i have to separate them?


Small Fish
Apr 14, 2004
ALSO- once the pleco taste the slime coat on the gold fish, he is going to latch on and suck till he draws blood-
goldfish and plecos do not mix., also as mentioned, tropicals and goldfish don't mix.


Mar 24, 2004
gainesville, fl
i agree that goldfish are incompatible with tropicals-- plus they're messy! without that goldfish, you have a good tank, with him, it's overstocked even! and, for the record, no, a pleco will not suck a goldfish's blood after "tasting" its slime coat. you're probably a confusing plecs with the behavior of certain (fairly uncommon) chinese algae eaters sucking on larger fish. they're not vampires!


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
Visit site
I wholeheartedly agree that the goldfish is not a good mix with tropicals.

Also, are you aware Gourami and Bettas don't mix. It is fairly common knowledge that Gourami and Bettas will fight to the death, sooner or later.

If you can, find your goldfish a new home (a neighbor with an outdoor pond perhaps?) and move your betta to his own tank, he will be a lot happier.


Small Fish
Apr 14, 2004
I had a common Pleco in my 55 Gal tank w/ 3 fancy goldfish (ORANDAS)
They lived together almost a year in good harmony- but once the Orandas got hand or fist size, the Pleco would grab onto the fish and suck-
and the spot it would suck would get a small dot of blood to the surfice-, we have a Fish Dr Here in the Atlanta area, I called to find out if this behavior was normal? and was told about the plecos having a taste for the slime coat of gold fish.

When I stated this above, it was not without fact., No a pleco is not a vampire, but they will suck on the side of larger fish- in my case, my Oranda Goldfish.

Needless to say, I took the pleco out, and just for ther record I now only house 2 fancies (Orandas) in my 55G- I gave one t a pal.
I completly agree with the 20 t0 25 Gal rule for per Goldfish!

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Thanks for all the info!!

plus they're messy!
that explains why my tank is LOL Purple (goldfish's name) is the lone survivor from my ill-advised stocked tank cycling (yes, i got horrible bad icky advice...i'll never do it again) so i haven't want ot just get rid of him...and with the ick that he's had to live in, I think he would now survive nuclear winter LOL But I'll see if i can find him a pond to live in.

Also, are you aware Gourami and Bettas don't mix. It is fairly common knowledge that Gourami and Bettas will fight to the death, sooner or later.
NO, i had no idea!!! <blush> Even tho they've been together for a month and pretty much ignore each other? They all eat, and they all have thier own hidey-holes. My bigger gouramie and my betta will even eat side by side. I seem to have a lacadasical betta...i have yet to see him flair at anything. Even a mirror, he will slightly puff his gills and then move on. Guess I'll have to get a little tank for my betta...he just seems to LOVE the big tank so much.

Mar 24, 2004
gainesville, fl
sometimes bettas can successfully live with isn't common though. keep a close eye on them. as for that pleco behavior, i certainly have never heard of it, and i would think that the pleco isn't getting enough good food (ie, sinking wafers and the like) if that happened.


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
I agree that it would be best to take the goldfish out of the tropical tank, but I have another question: How do your dwarf gouramis get along with the betta? Ive heared of this being a match made in hell, but you didnt say anything about it so Im wondering if they are getting along okay?

Ok, the goldfish gets a new home :cool:

The betta and the gouramies really get along fine to me. Basically, they ignore each other. The 2 gouramies pick on each other more than anything, but nothing really severe. The betta has claimed one rock and plant area and the 2 gouramies have claimed the other on the opposite side of the tank. I'll try to post a pic of the tank later tonight. They've never tangled that I've seen. They all three eat at the same time. The biggest gouramie and betta will even "share" a sinking wafer without fighting. I will keep an eye on them and move the betta at the 1st sign of trouble.


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
You must have lucked out with some peaceful fish :) Dwarf gouramis are usually more peaceful than three spot gouramis, but im not so sure if certain types of dwarf gouramis have a difference in behavior.
BTW I love your avatar :)