My Green Terrors mouth is coated with white fuzz


Medium Fish
Nov 22, 2008
I have an adult green terror and he is basically a one of a kind specimen so I really do not want to lose him. The inside of his mouth is coated with a thick white fuzz. I think it started when he was locking mouths with another fish to determine who was the boss a few weeks back and now has grown into a thick white fuzz. He does not seem like himself lately and also seems a bit disoriented at times.

Please help. Thanks

Apr 14, 2008
Awww, I'm so sorry he doesn't feel well! One of my new Albino Tiger Barbs got hurt by the others but is doing 1000% better now by being by himself in a 1gal Aquarium (too small I know...but it was established and I've been (and still am) swamped with work) and salt.

so, I recommend Salt, MelaFix, Areation, and baby-ing. LOL, I talk to my fish and they almost seem to talk back and it seems to help when they are down/sick.

Hopeing for ya!


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Sounds like mouth fungus to me but I'd be able to ID better with a picture if possible. Mouth fungus can develop from an injury so you're probably right about it being caused by locking lips with another fish. I'm not sure if treatments for this in the states are the same as sold here.. but your LFS will have an anti fungal treatment for sale which should work.


Small Fish
Apr 16, 2009
Phoenix AZ
It definitely sounds fungal to me. Almost looks like cotton right?

Go to your LFS and pick up a bottle of PimaFix made by API. It's about 10 bucks for the bottle, but it should clear up your fungus within a week. I caught it early on my fish and it cleared her up in two or three days.